Prince!Natsu x Assassin!Reader: Roses [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to Sachmanisthebest for the request! Sorry it's a little long.


The kingdom of Fiore was a prosperous and peaceful place. Children played in the streets, markets sold fresh produce, and trade was thriving. The palace was something that could not be missed by anyone entering the kingdom. It stood tall, towering over the surrounding city. A huge royal yard encompassed the outside barriers of the structure, and flowers of all kinds sprouted from the ground.

"Prince Natsu--"

"Please just call me Natsu. There's really no need to go through the formalities."

"Uh, right. Well there's a meeting and the king requested that you be there."

Natsu groaned and complained, prompting the maids to start giggling. It was well known that the prince was not fond of meetings. Hell, he wasn't too keen on the whole prince thing either, but he enjoyed being able to speak with everyone in the palace, even if they were just here to work. He was the type of royal to tell the staff to relax. In fact, he even helped with some of the chores around the castle, which brought many lectures from the royal advisor. He did, of course, avoid cleaning up the kitchen and dining room. Cooking he had no problem with. The problem was with the cleaning up the massive messes he would make in the process.

Everyone in the kingdom loved the prince. However, those of high power had some problems with him. First, Natsu was not a fan of conflict, so he would urge his father to compromise with the other parties in order to avoid any violence. People in the court would say that he was "too soft" on his enemies, and that it would get him in trouble one day. Second, he was stubborn. It was common knowledge that the prince would need to choose someone to marry so that he could become king after his father stepped down, but he would keep putting it off. Yes, he got along with everyone. And yes, all of the women would be more than happy to be the one that he chose. But he was having none of it. The king would throw formal balls, inviting royals from the neighboring kingdoms, in hopes that a princess would catch his eye. He would even force his son to hang out with various women on the council of both Fiore and other kingdoms.


"Do I really have to go? I have to check on the cookies."

"Prince Natsu, the cookies will be there after the meeting."

Natsu mumbled something under his breath before a loud sigh sounded from him. The prince had entered the meeting room and scanned the people inside, his eyes landing on his father that sat at the head of the table in his usual throne-like chair. The king waved him on to join him in his own royal looking chair, and Natsu silently did so.

"We called this meeting to go over the threat that had come to the attention of the council," one of the council members started.

"Very well," the king spoke. "What is it?"

"There's a group of assassins that have been making their way through the kingdoms. A young soldier was killed last night. When captured by the royal guards, it was revealed that they were after the king when the soldier got in the way. We have reason to believe that they will be coming into Fiore."

The king had quickly worked with his advisors and defense head for the next two hours to come up with a plan. More soldiers would be assigned to the palace, and both the king and the prince would be getting an increased amount of personal guards. They were all informed of the common tattoo that the group wore: a geometric wolf.

"Now onto the next task," the king continued. "We're having a ball."

"Oh come on!" Natsu shouted.

Natsu x Reader One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin