Natsu x Reader: The Father's Daughter

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A/N: Thank you to @jinniewwh123 for the request!


There was no doubt on the matter. Absolutely none. Her first words, her first steps, her first potty. There was no separating Natsu from his daughter, and the same could be said the other way around. Everywhere Natsu would go, his small shadow was sure to follow, wobbling behind him in sheer determination to catch up to him. He would turn around, laugh and crouch with his arms open so she could grab onto him.

It took a lot of practice, but with time came her first word. And you can probably guess what it was. Her mother, (Y/N), rolled her eyes and gave the smug-looking Natsu a look. Seeming to understand the interaction between her parents (even though there was no way she did), the little girl broke out into little giggles. That's when Natsu would lift her from her highchair and spin her around before leaning her against his hip.

Once she became more experienced in talking, she would engage in frequent conversation with her father. Natsu would scoop her up and set her on the table as he listened to her thoughts. It would usually end in laughter, as both of them had a plethora of jokes shared between them, even at that young age.

Then came her potty challenge. Nothing seemed to work, but her parents were determined. A time occurred when they thought that she had done it, but the very next day went back to the usual accidents. Out of ideas, Natsu reached for a bribe that he wasn't sure she would take. But, whether it was genes or just a coincidence, their daughter jumped at the proposition to have fish for a week straight, and the very next day, she had her last accident and was fully potty trained.

Her third birthday was unforgettable to Natsu. Even though it was her birthday, she insisted (as much as a three-year-old could, that is) that they go fishing instead of having a birthday party. So that marked the day where the little girl learned how to fish. And also the start of those dedicated fishing days that (Y/N) was not allowed to be a part of.

If this child was given the option between all of friends and only her father, she would go to Natsu and grab his hand without a second of hesitation. Anything that a child could tag along for was offered to the girl, and every time Natsu asked her to go somewhere was a day of unrestrained happiness for her.

There was a time when Natsu brought his daughter to Oshibana Town in order to take care of a sorting request at the town's library. Lucy was, obviously, the main person for this request, but she suggested that Natsu offer his daughter the invitation. The request ended up with Lucy sorting through the books by herself while Natsu read to the little girl in the corner. As aggravating as it was to Lucy that she had to do it herself, she made no complaints once she saw what Natsu was doing.

When she was a year older, Natsu and (Y/N) brought her to Crocus for the first time, and to say that her eyes sparkled in amazement would be an understatement. Her body shook in excitement, and she squealed in happiness as they made their way to the royal gardens. The rest of the day consisted of Natsu and (Y/N) watching their daughter run around to the different flower patches. Her hands would wave, bringing her parents' attention to her, and then she would dance in front of the flowers. After asking the guards, Natsu was given permission to let his daughter pick a flower to bring home. With her pick, what did she do? Well, she grabbed a flower, but it was immediately given to her father as a gift.

Bedtime stories would include all of Team Natsu's adventures - their highs, lows and in betweens. All of the towns that they destroyed, all of the friends they made along the way, all of the laughing, the crying, the joking, the bickering. The young Dragneel would listen intensely, taking in every detail that was revealed to her through these stories. It got to the point where the bedtime books were replaced with her father's stories instead. There was no need for other stories when she could listen to her father's.

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