Natsu x Bounty Hunter!Reader: Salamander

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A/N: Thank you to treqqpoinie112 for the request!


It was a typical job for (Y/N): find and capture the Salamander, bring him in for a reward. Given his reputation as a powerful wizard and his uncommon magic abilities, there was a substantial bounty attached to his capture. This wasn't any different from the other jobs she had done. It was the same motions that she needed to go through: corner, capture, collect. Except there was one thing that made him a little different than the others. There was word around the other bounty hunters that the Salamander was a stubborn wizard who seemed to always fight his way out of situations like this. Some hunters said that it wasn't even worth the bounty for the amount of trouble the Salamander caused, which meant that there were very few of them targeting him at that point. It was the ideal situation. She didn't even have to worry about the competition from other bounty hunters. It was perfect.

(Y/N) slipped through the train carts to exit onto the platform at Magnolia's station. She stretched her arms and shook her legs to get rid of the cramps that started to form from sitting for a long period of time. You see, this (H/C) bounty hunter lived in Dawn City, which means that she had to travel the whole length of Fiore to get there. It would be worth the trip, she reasoned. The money would surely make up for the hours of listening to other passengers cough and talk for hours on end. 

Her arm had finally woken up, having fallen asleep towards the end of the ride due to the way she leaned against the window. Fresh air waved through her system, and she let out a deep breath. The station was crowded, which meant that the town was also flooded. Whether there was an overwhelming population of wizards in this town, she did not know. For the sake of the job, she hoped that Magnolia would be a mostly civilian town. Though she doubted it as soon as she started walking towards the center of town. Standing tall, and boasting a large sign, stood the Fairy Tail guildhall. A groan was heard from the bounty hunter. Fairy Tail would prove to be a problem during this process. She knew that this wouldn't be an easy task. A loose plan was quickly made: lure the Salamander away from where Fairy Tail could easily track and deal with him there.

There was another problem. The people who made the flyers didn't include a description, saying that the Salamander was so well-known that a picture or list of characteristics were unnecessary. She knew that he was part of Fairy Tail, and she was a wizard, so her plan was to infiltrate under the disguise of an excited mage eager to join the guild. They accept everyone, she had heard. This would surely be easy, she concluded.

(Y/N) grabbed the straps of her backpack and hoisted it back up. Weaving through the crowds deemed to be a little difficult, as the amount of townspeople increased the further into the town she went. Soon, the Fairy Tail guildhall stood in front of her. It was then that she finally realized how much it towered over the rest of the town. She took in a deep breath and slowly opened the door. A flying table immediately greeted her, whipping towards her face. She let out a small squeak and quickly punched the table in half, successfully avoiding a disaster.

Everyone slowly turned towards the door when they heard the cracking of the broken wood as it fell to the floor. They all looked to each other before looking back at her. She was fuming at this point, but she needed to keep her cover, so she forced a smile onto her face. A short and old man in a jacket made his way over to the unknown girl. He stopped in front of her and looked up to her, apologizing for the trouble that had been (quite literally) thrown at her. (Y/N) just shook her head, dismissing the apology and saying that it wasn't necessary.

"If it's not too much trouble, I would like to speak about possibly joining this guild."

"Of course. Everyone is welcome here. Let's get you your mark. What's your name?"

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