Singer!Natsu x Reader: Secret (Modern AU) [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to Sachmanisthebest for the request! This will probably have a part two. Enjoy!


Natsu sighed loudly as he sat in front of the massive pile of pictures he needed to autograph. He held his head in his hands and rubbed his temples as he groaned.

"Natsu, you have to finish these before you go for your interview with Harmony Today."

"I need a break."

And with that, Natsu stood up from the crowded table and walked over to the front window, looking out at the massive crowds of screaming fans.

"Can I at least go out and talk to them?"

"Not until you finish signing."

Natsu laid his forehead against the window and closed his eyes before taking in a deep breath and making his way back to the table. He took the marker from his manager and plopped down in the chair again. About an hour went by, and Natsu had finished the batch of autographs. He was, as usual, denied when he asked again if he could go out to greet the fans, and his team dragged him out the back door. Once Natsu was in the car, he asked for the radio to be turned off, saying that he just wanted to sit in silence.

"Now we have two hours at the interview and then you can do what you want for an hour before we go to the studio. Got it?"

Natsu half listened to his manager's usual lecture about making sure to not be late, and he looked out the window, watching all the fans start to spot the departing car.


"Why are interviews so exhausting?"

"It's what comes with being famous, Natsu."

"What kind of question was that though? I mean, I might be famous, but some questions are inappropriate for anyone. It shouldn't mean that I have to answer really personal questions like that."

"Just let it roll off. You don't have to go back there for at least another year."

"Can I leave now? I need a nap."

"Just remember the--"

"Studio. Yeah I got it."

Natsu slipped out of the car and unlocked his gate before quickly heading inside and standing in the front door. He looked around the room: vaulted ceilings, huge staircase, expensive furniture. But something was missing. Happiness. You see, Natsu had always wanted to be a singer. He remembered when he first learned how to play guitar. His first song was about his favorite pet fish, and he would make "concerts" in his living room. Serious writing started around fourteen, and at eighteen he was finally signed. It was great at first - people were finally listening to his songs. They were appreciating his music that he put his soul into.

But it was different now. It seemed that nobody was interested in the music anymore, least of all the producers. They would throw random shit at him and tell him it would be his next hit, completely ignoring the lyrics that he had penned himself. It felt fake. He went right back to where he started: nobody heard his songs. Now, however, he dealt with what came along with the fame.

He couldn't remember the last time he could go somewhere without being recognized and fawned over. It wouldn't bother him as much if this all came because he did what he was passionate about. Hell, he loved the fans. It brought him so much joy at first to see that people loved his music. But with the lack of input, he felt like he didn't deserve the fans, and he lost his connection with them.

"Fuck this."

Once Natsu saw that the car pulled away, he snuck out of the gate again and hopped into his own car, pulling out of the driveway and driving to the place where it all began: Fairy Tail Coffee. As usual, it was quiet there. People came to relax and unwind, and the comfortable couches mixed with the warm drinks and pastries helped them do just that. It all started here. The coffee shop had weekly open mics, and by luck, a talent agent was there to witness his songs. Everything changed from there.

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