Natsu x Single Parent!Reader

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A/N: Hey y'all. I've been working on this one all week because I just couldn't get it to write how I wanted it to. It's kind of long. Well, a lot longer than most of the other ones. It says it's going to take almost a half hour to read? Anyways, I hope you're enjoying! Feel free to leave a request!

(Also sorry for the sucky ending, but as I said this one just wasn't coming to me. Oops.)

(C/N) = child's name


"Wow look at you," (Y/N) cooed as she picked up her daughter. "You have a lot of hair on that little head of yours now."

The baby just babbled and laughed when (Y/N) started gently nuzzling their noses together. (Y/N)'s face twisted in disgust as she caught a whiff of her daughter's diaper.

"You're a stinky baby. Let's get you changed, and then we can go for a walk!"

(Y/N) went to her apartment closet and got out a new diaper before walking back into the bedroom and changing her. The little girl squirmed as (Y/N) struggled to wipe her.

"You gotta stay still," (Y/N) laughed. "It'll be done so much faster. Don't you want a clean bum?"

After a few minutes of going through the usual struggle that happened when she changed diapers, (Y/N) quickly dressed her daughter and grabbed the stoller and travel bag.

"Do you want your blankie?"

The little girl made an incoherent noise, and (Y/N) laughed and tucked her in with the blanket. She playfully held her daughter's favorite stuffed animal in front of her.

"And what about Miss Ellie the Elephant?"

The baby started laughing and reached her hands up to hold her stuffed animal. After everything was settled, they left the apartment and rolled around the block, (Y/N) pointing out the different colors so they could work on getting her to talk. (Y/N) hummed her favorite song to her as she pushed the stroller around. A couple people stopped her and asked to see the little girl, and she smiled wide before slowly lifting the hood to the stroller. Some people leaned in and tickled her stomach as they spoke to her in baby talk. (Y/N) smiled at all the attention her daughter was getting. It was just the two of them, so she was sure that the baby loved when she got attention from people other than her mother.

"Aw. What a cute little baby wabey you are," a blonde woman started gushing as she approached the stroller. "Can I see her?"

"Of course!" (Y/N) approved as she lifted the hood again.

"Oh look at your little hands! You're so cute. And your cheeks!"

(Y/N) laughed as the woman continued to speak to the little girl. She waved someone over.

"Natsu, come look at this baby. She's the cutest thing ever."

A guy with salmon hair slowly walked over to them and peeked over the woman's shoulder to look at the baby. He chuckled and teased the woman.

"Wow Lucy. Someone has baby fever."

"Oh hush you. How can you not love this little angel?"

Natsu looked at the baby and laughed before wiggling his finger and watching the little girl squeal in excitement. He leaned in closer and poked her stomach. Natsu gasped when the baby gripped at his hair and started pulling.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry! I should've told you that she likes to pull hair. Sweetheart, you have to let go."

The girl just giggled and continued to hold onto his head. Natsu chuckled and tickled her stomach again, causing the baby to start to excitedly babble to him.

Natsu x Reader One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ