Natsu x Mermaid!Genie!Reader: Wish [requested]

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A/N: Thank you @William_Dragneel for the request!


Nothing was more lonely than the bottom of the ocean. At least, that's what (Y/N) had assumed. Her company was limited to whatever fish decided to come near the wreckage, whether it was for food or to taunt her. The (H/C) longed to escape her shackles, but sadly no one seemed to notice that she was in fact alive. The crew on the ship managed to escape when the wooden form was crushed under pirates' cannons. But that meant that (Y/N) was forever bound to the ship that she was tied to.

You see, (Y/N) was not an ordinary being. She was a genie of sorts. It all happened when she had her tenth birthday. She lived with her family in the reef, her tail flapping as she dashed through the water chasing her sisters. Her father would always warn her to stay away from the surface, but she didn't listen. And that was a mistake. Because once the humans figured out that she was blessed with the powers of her genie mother, they forced her from the water and captured her.

With the help of a wizard, they sealed her away within a stone-like covering. Her mind, her movements, her chances of escape - all things that left once the spell was completed. And, in typical fashion, she was then sold to a ship captain, who then bound her to the front of the ship with thick ropes.

It was boring at first. They all just treated her like decoration. But once they got wind of her wish-granting abilities, they decided to use it to its full potential. There would be days when she granted dozens of wishes, and there were many times when she felt like punishing the men for their absurd wishes, but she couldn't.

When she refused to grant any more wishes, she was sold to a different sea captain who then put her on his boat. He treated her better than the last captain, yes. But that changed when a storm hit.

"I wish for us to make it back safe," he whispered to her.

And, of course, she couldn't give any other reply other than to give off a faint yellow glow. The captain and his crew boarded the ship and set off, trusting their skills as seasoned seafarers as well as the blessing of protection that (Y/N) had granted.

That is when things changed for (Y/N), and she wasn't sure if it was for the better. The sea proved to be too overwhelming for the crew to get to shore safely, and the waves violently crashed into the side of the boat. They drifted blindly, hoping that they would reach land before they were destroyed.

And that's when the pirates came in. They were familiar with the dangers of the sea, and they set out to rob unfortunate traveling ships that got caught in storms like that one. Once they spotted the ship, they readied their canons and fired, blowing holes in the side parts of the ship. Their aim was great, as they had managed to hit spots that caused severe leaking, and the water from the stormy sea started seeping through the bottoms of the ship.

And since that day, that day when (Y/N) and the ship sunk to the sea's bottom, the genie-like mermaid was trapped once again. She couldn't move from her stony prison, so she was forced to watch all the fish swim freely beside her in the open ocean.

There was nothing she could do besides hope that one day she would finally die. It was the only way she would be able to end this torture. It had been like this for seven years, and she could not grant her own wishes, unfortunately. If only there was some way, some event that could--


(Y/N) stretched her vision as wide as she could given the fact that she was unable to move. All she saw was a flash of yellow. And soon she came face to face with a young blonde holding something that sparkled. Keys? Looked like it. The girl's eyes went wide, and she absentmindedly opened her mouth in shock, letting most of the air out to the point where she needed to resurface for a minute. She was back again a minute later, cautiously approaching the stone figure. (Y/N) stared back at her, silently waiting for the blonde's next move.

When the girl noticed a very blatant blink of the figure's eyes, she backed up a little before inching back over and untying the ropes. The girl reached towards the sparkling items and fiddled with it before (Y/N) saw a flash of gold and a bright light. Ah, they were keys.

Another creature, similar to (Y/N) herself, emerged from the light, and the blonde held onto (Y/N) tightly as the blue haired woman created a storm of her own, forcing them to crash into the shore. That was when (Y/N) noticed a third figure, a small blue cat, coughing beside them.

"Hey," the girl coughed, "are you actually real?"

(Y/N) could not answer.

"Are you trapped in there?"

A blink.


There was another loud bang, and soon a ship sped into the shore as well. On top of the ship was a pink haired boy, and it seemed like he could easily defeat whoever he was fighting against. He hopped down after he was finished and made his way over to the group.

"Hey Happy, did ya see that? I totally destroyed them."

He took one look at the group, noticing the extra member. I mean, how could you not notice a mermaid-like stone? The pink haired boy stood beside the blonde and questioned her.

"She's alive, Natsu. I saw it. But I can't get her out."

"Woah, that's so cool," the boy, Natsu, breathed. "Let's see...oh!"

The air around him became hotter, and soon his fiery breath had hit (Y/N) dead on.

"Natsu, stop! You're gonna hurt her!"

(Y/N) could feel the increasing heat, but she also felt something that made an audible noise.


She couldn't believe it. Was she finally...


"Natsu, knock it off. You're gonna--"


The stone crumbled around (Y/N), revealing the long (H/C) hair and bright (E/C) eyes that stared at the group in wonder. Natsu gave a victorious grin aimed at the girl with the keys.

"So what's your name? Why were you trapped in that thing anyway?" He questioned.

"My name is (Y/N), and I am a being that can grant wishes. I've been trapped for decades in this stony prison, and I've been at the bottom of the sea for seven years."

"Grant wishes?" The girl spoke. "So you're like a genie?"

"Partially. My mother was a genie. My father is a merman."

"Can you grant me the wish of unlimited fish?" Happy asked, drooling.

"Happy!" Lucy, the blonde, shouted.

They all heard shouting, and when they looked behind them they saw a bunch of soldiers running towards them.

"We gotta run," Natsu spoke quickly, grabbing Lucy and (Y/N) and darting towards the opposite direction.

"Wait," Lucy stopped. "Can you walk, (Y/N)?"

On cue, (Y/N) nodded, and her tail glittered before turning into legs. They all followed Natsu away from Hargeon, and the (H/C) haired girl heard that they were on their way to get Lucy to join Fairy Tail.

"Wanna join, too?" Natsu grinned. "We'd love to have you."

Natsu x Reader One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt