Natsu x Reader: First Date Jitters (Request)

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I figured that I would post a second one shot for those who didn't want to read the previous one. Thanks again for the request. Enjoy!


"Just do it, Pyro! I don't understand why you're getting so worked up about this."

"Says the guy who's never been on a date either."

Gray snapped his head to a snickering Lucy. He huffed and pressed that Natsu was still being an idiot. Lucy grabbed Natsu's shoulders and looked deep into his darting eyes.

Lucy laughed, "Natsu, focus."

"What do I even do? This is so frustrating!"

"Well first," Lucy stated as she looked him up and down, "you need to change into something nicer."

"Nicer? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Natsu shouted.

"My my, this should be interesting," Mira giggled.

Wendy decided to speak up, "Why is mister Natsu so worried? Don't him and (Y/N) hang out all the time anyway?"

Charle explained, "Child, hanging out with someone as friends is a lot different from going on a date with them. Besides, all they do is spar and go on requests when they hang out. That's far from what is happening tonight on the date."

"Exactly! Natsu isn't going to fight her tonight," Lucy stated as she gave the dragon slayer a stern look. "Right, Natsu?"

"Uh, yeah, sure."

"Let's go pick out something for you to wear. Gray, you're helping."

Gray protested for a while before Erza helped convince him by giving him her signature glare. He quickly followed Lucy as she pushed Natsu out the door.


(Y/N) stood outside her apartment and waited for Natsu as she watched the snow fall. She took off her mittens and tried to catch some snowflakes in her palms before they melted. She giggled to herself as she looked upwards and took in the small drops that formed on her face. The sound of snow crunching brought her gaze back down to street level, and she smiled when she saw Natsu standing in front of her. He was holding his scarf close to him, which wasn't abnormal, but (Y/N) saw that he seemed to be hiding behind it. She brushed it off and started to make conversation.

"So have you been on any fun requests lately? Lucy told me the bandit one was really cool."

Natsu seemed shocked that she was talking about jobs, but he smiled because, to him, talking about his jobs was a comfort zone for him. He started talking about the fun that they had tying up the bandits and drawing on their faces while they waited for the Magic Council.

"And then we totally destroyed like half the forest, and then--"

Natsu seemed to catch himself, noticing that he was rambling. (Y/N) looked at him curiously, leaning closer towards him to ask why he suddenly stopped speaking. The dragon slayer went to turn to ask her what she wanted to talk about, but jumped when he saw that she was standing right in front of him, her head tilted to look at his face.


"How come you stopped?" (Y/N) asked innocently.

Natsu tried to recall what Lucy had told him what to do on a date, but he completely blanked. He seemed to suddenly remember something: ask her about her life.

"I just wanted to ask you how you were doing."

(Y/N) giggled before turning on her heel and returning to his side.

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