Natsu x Reader: Crossover [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to @BAKUSLOVE for the request! It's a little long, and I didn't really know how to end it, so sorry if it's bad. SPOILERS: DRAGON CRY MOVIE



"The stars will always guide you."

(Y/N) received that advice from her father when she was six, right before he died. Ever since, she's been on a never-ending journey. Where did she travel? Well, to put it frankly, everywhere. Her "home" was one of destruction. You see, one angry and power-hungry king ruled over the kingdom of Kreasipia. Magic was something she was familiar with, but it came in the form of "gifts" that a person would receive after collecting enough blessed items. In (Y/N)'s case, those items were various keys, ranging from a shimmering gold to pure white. Once she collected seventy-seven keys, the king, Hemeri, granted the girl the gift of Compass Magic. In other words, she could find even the most hidden of objects.

There was one problem: this gift meant that everyone would want to use her ability to find priceless treasures. And this sometimes came by as threats of imprisonment and torture until she would agree to help them. She would have to hide, she reasoned. And that's when she figured out a new hidden ability that she had. Apparently, along with the treasures she could find, she was also able to find different dimension gates.

After fleeing from Kreasipia, she landed in the world of Howlrez, the land of trapped spirits. This world was unpleasant, to say the least. Constant sadness and longing followed each resident. They all had the same goal - find their bodies and merge once again - but they had no way of successfully achieving it. She got out of there as quickly as she could.

The next world, Dead Utopia, was as bad as it sounds. Destruction and pain followed in the form of whatever perfect world they thought they created. There came a time where she was almost taken captive. Apparently there was a rule about how many people you could talk to in a day, and she had exceeded that limit as she asked for directions (though she didn't really need them, but she figured it would save time). The gate was easy enough to find once she escaped the guards.

Olleogoth was full of monsters. Riddleticam was one huge puzzle that spanned the entire realm. Boilrez consisted of an endless expanse of lava. Her last gate that she went through brought her to her current situation.

The world? Earthland. Where? Stella. The problem? She couldn't find the gate anywhere. This trip was mostly to escape Boilrez and find the gate to her home in Kreasipia once again. Now that she had gained a more tuned control of her gift, she wished to return to her home and live peacefully. She was able to silence those who would try to use her, she reasoned. The girl was stronger now, and she wouldn't let her freedom be threatened ever again.

Which was why this situation was less than ideal. With nowhere to go, (Y/N) started to wander within Stella in search for anything that might point her to the location of the gate. Nothing. The few people that she asked looked at her like she was some sort of delusional person, and then promptly brushed her aside to go about their day.

That's when she heard a huge bang. Her gaze snapped to the fast streaks in the sky. Pink, blue, white? They moved far too quickly for her to decipher what they actually were. But it seemed like they did something that the people of the land did not approve of in the slightest, told by the many lasers that were being shot at them. Another bang sounded a little while away from their original location, followed by a crack.

Curiosity got the better of her, and though she knew that she should stay away from the potential danger, the (H/C) haired girl sprinted through the city to catch sight of the commotion. Placed in front of her was an odd group of people. Were those...cats with wings? And when one started to talk, multiple emotions rushed through her. Confusion, surprise, uneasiness. Yes, this world was starkly different from the others she had passed through on her journey. Never in all the world had she encountered talking cats. Animals with wings? Sure. That was in Idiometre with the flying pigs. But both flying and talking? Unheard of.

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