Natsu x Reader: Nightmare of the Ex [Requested]

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A/N: Thanks to @RiaMalfoy4837 for the request!


After eighteen months of psychological warfare, (Y/N) had finally gained enough confidence to break it off with her then-boyfriend. She was finally able to breathe without him interrogating her, as he would put it, her "tone of breath."

She didn't have to calm her heartbeat every time her hand touched the handle to their apartment door in fear of him just being there, as he would always find a way to start an argument in the hopes he could spin something around on her.

His demands to always accompany her on every request she went on were finally gone. Despite her pleads for solo requests, he made it clear that she was much too weak to handle it (and this included simple decoration or taste testing requests). When she would try to assure him that she was strong enough to go alone, a flurry of insults were thrown at her because she was obviously only saying that to claim that she was stronger than him. (She was, in fact, stronger than him in a magic sense, and he really didn't like that.)

He never struck her, but he made sure to slam the doors harder than needed when she angered him as an intimidation tactic. He wasn't abusive, he would say. She was crazy for even thinking that could be a possibility, he would say. He had frequent urges to resort to physical violence with her, but he held it back out of love for her, he would say.

This had, of course, taken a toll on her mental health. Even after the relationship was over, she still suffered. A hole would form in her stomach every time she handed a request flyer to Makarov as she waited for someone to force her to take them along. She had to ask for feedback on any decisions she made before she did anything just to make sure it was the "right" one. She would panic if she did not over explain every time she had the slightest inclination of doubt from anyone, even if they believed her in the first place. Her paranoia told her that her thoughts and actions couldn't be trusted.

It had been two years since she was free, but she found it nearly impossible to feel completely comfortable.

"Why am I thinking about all this now?" (Y/N) mumbled to herself. "If I keep this up, I'll miss time to hang out at the guild."

An uneasiness filled (Y/N)'s stomach, but she couldn't figure out what was causing it. Brushing it off as one of the sudden waves of anxiety she would get, she continued her walk to the guild. Her stomach dropped once she arrived. She was faced with her ex standing in front of the guildhall door.

"Wow. You surviving on your own is actually a shock to me."

It felt like every cell in her body stopped working all at once. Her mind completely shut down, and all she could do was stare at him in shock. She felt it hard to breathe when he started to step closer to her.

"So this is where you went, huh? Joining a bigshot guild just to try to humiliate me? I can't believe you're so committed to making people think I'm weak that you would choose this disaster to work for."

All she could do was try to ignore him and open the doors to safety. It was no use. He just followed her and scoffed when he looked around.

"Leech," he bit. "What kinda bullshit story did you tell them to get them to allow you in? I wouldn't put it past you to go manipulate them to get what you want. You did it to me for years."

Her need for breath regulation took up her attention too much for a rebuttal to the lies that started.

He mocked, "I mean, look at you. You're weak, you're stupid, and you're not even that attractive." Once he saw the distinct shadow in her eyes that gave away the feelings of defeat, he continued, "They probably listened to your lies and felt so bad that they let you join out of pity. You're nothing but a liar who always gaslit me. I'm so glad I was finally able to escape from you and your bitchy clutches."

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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