Natsu x Barista!Reader AU

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"Hot chocolate for order number 7!"

Natsu's ear perked up when he heard the number and fought the line to get over to the window. He flashed the order number to the barista and quickly took his drink before heading out the door. He pulled his scarf closer to his neck as he fought the cold. Once he took the first sip, his face twisted in disgust.

"What the hell did they put in this?"

He tried to fight through it so he wouldn't have to go back, but he ended up turning around and making his way back to the cafe. The line had gone down quite a bit, so he was able to walk up to the counter and call someone over. A girl with (H/C) hair hopped over some cups and met Natsu at the counter.

"Can I help you?"

Natsu's eyes had drifted off to the window, so his attention was on something else.

"Sir? Can I help you?"

His gaze snapped over to the girl once he heard her call. He chuckled and apologized before holding up the drink.

"It doesn't really taste right."

The (H/C) girl grabbed the cup from Natsu and took off the lid before smelling it. She laughed before turning around to the other barista.

"Elena, you put coffee grinds in the hot chocolate."

Elena squeaked out a quick "sorry!" before turning back to the drink she was working on.

"Sorry about that," the girl apologized. "She just started yesterday so she's still getting to know the machines and drink orders. I'll make you a new one and meet you at the pick up window."

Natsu nodded and stood by the window as he watched her work. He couldn't seem to shake the weird feeling in his stomach. The barista drew his attention once again as she held out the drink to him.

"I hope this one is a little better," she joked. "I promise there's no coffee in there."


It had been two weeks since that day and Natsu had been going to that cafe every day. He learned that the girl's name was (Y/N) and that she worked there almost every day.

"Let me guess," (Y/N) laughed as she saw the salmon haired customer approach the register, "hot chocolate with no whip?"

Natsu sheepishly smiled and nodded before heading over to the pick up window. His drink was quickly delivered to him and he went over to sit down at his usual spot in the corner. (Y/N) eventually walked over to him once the line cleared and greeted him.

"So how's everything at work? Get any new really interesting proposals?"

Natsu laughed loudly before assuring her that work was the same old boring job.

"What about you? Any mean customers throwing drinks today?"

(Y/N) groaned, "Please don't jinx it. My shirt still has that stain on it and I've washed it three times."

She sat down on the chair opposite him, occasionally glancing over at the counter to check the lines. Natsu looked out the window by his table and watched the snow fall.

"Something really interesting has been happening lately," (Y/N) spoke up.

Natsu turned to face the girl and asked her to continue.

"There's been this guy that keeps coming in and I think he's trying to ask me out, but he never does."

A feeling of irritation twirled in his stomach as he questioned, "Is that so? Do you think you'd go out with him?"

"Hmm," (Y/N) hummed as she looked back to the line, "I think I would. I'm not going to ask him though. He's put way too much effort into coming here all the time."

"How often does he come?"

"The other baristas tell me he's here every day. He always orders the same thing, but I know he didn't come here for the drink because he never finishes it."

Natsu's face flushed in realization as he looked up at (Y/N) with wide eyes. He was met with a smug smile before she winked and returned to the now busy counter.


(Y/N) turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"Hypothetically," Natsu started as he blushed, "would you go out with this guy if he asked?"

(Y/N) playfully held her chin in fake thought before replying, "If he asked the next time he came in, I don't think I would have any reason to decline."

And with that, (Y/N) hopped over the gate and continued to take orders.

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