Natsu x Reader: Autobiography

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A/N: Hey all. So sorry about the delay, but I have COVID yet again after someone brought it home from the hospital. Updates are going to be slower, as I don't really have the energy to write as frequently. I worked on this one for like two weeks little by little, so I decided to just write something I know. So yeah. Based off a true story. Well, without the magic and stuff. Sorry if it's crap.


It was the Grand Magic Games, and a small group of Fairy Tail wizards decided (with Cana's subtle guidance) to go to one of the local bars in Crocus. It was after the third day, so everyone wanted to celebrate Fairy Tail's victories. Natsu had, of course, ordered an abundance of food in order to have a "celebratory meal" on behalf of his guildmates. Lucy just rolled her eyes and warned him not to spend all his money on one night of food.

"Man this is gonna be so good," Natsu cheered.

Lucy and Gray decided to sit at the bar with him, and Erza and Mira sat off at a nearby table while Cana drank in the corner. Natsu's food came, and he inhaled the scent and sighed in content. He started to eat, shoving food into his mouth without breathing. Happy came flying through the doors and told Natsu that Makarov needed him back at the inn. The dragon slayer groaned and said goodbye to his food (and his friends) before exiting the bar.

"Now that that idiot's gone, I can finally think."

"No kidding. Why is he so loud?"

"Man, this is really good food," a new voice praised as she started to stuff her face.

Everyone looked at her in shock and horror, recognizing the seat she was occupying as Natsu's.

"Oh god," Lucy gasped.

The (H/C) girl lifted her head away from the food and looked at Lucy.

"What's wrong? Aren't you gonna eat your food?"

Lucy kept looking around frantically for Natsu's return, so she didn't even notice the girl start to pick at her food. She looked down and saw that half her food was missing and snapped her eyes over to the mystery girl and glared.

"You can't just eat people's food," she scolded.

"Oh okay," she said shyly as she continued to eat from the plates in front of her, "but that means you can't have any of my food either."

They sweatdropped and continued to try to get her to stop eating before Natsu got back, but nothing was working. The girl just kept eating. Finally, and to everyone's shock, no food was left.

"How did she eat all that?" Lucy whispered to Gray.

"I don't know. He ordered like half the menu."

The girl hopped off the barstool and walked out of the bar and into the night.

"What do we do?" Lucy yelled as she looked at the empty plates.

"I don't know, but he's not gonna be happy. At all."

"You are correct," Erza spoke up. "He might get very angry."

Mira giggled, adding, "Or he might start crying. Don't you remember when he accidentally spilt his plate at the guildhall?"

"I don't have enough jewel to re-order his food."

Gray agreed with Lucy, "I don't either."

"Alright! I'm all fired up now!"

Everyone looked back to the dragon slayer that had just re-entered the bar and panicked. Lucy and Gray stood in front of the bar, trying to block Natsu's view of his empty plates.

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