Natsu x Jealous!Reader (Requested)

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A/N: This was requested by someone over on my AO3 acount. It takes place during episode 50 (the one with Juvia's love potion). Enjoy!


It was a normal day at the guild. That is, until you heard something interesting.

"I heard Natsu has a crush on a girl now!"

(Y/N)'s ears perked up as she stood at the request board. She tried to act like she didn't hear anything and walked past the group gossiping.

Natsu has been acting strange lately.

She looked towards the spot where Natsu had been and saw that he had left. She approached the bar and started to talk to Mira.

"So," (Y/N) tried to seem nonchalant as she joked, "Natsu has a crush, eh?"

"Don't you think that they would be cute together?" Mira asked.

(Y/N)'s heart dropped when she heard that it was Lucy that Natsu liked. Mira continued to gush about how perfect of a couple they would be, (Y/N)'s heart aching with every second. She looked over at Lucy to see that she was blushing. (Y/N) sighed before grabbing the rest of her food and leaving.

Why Lucy? I know that they're on the same team, but why...?

(Y/N) arrived at her apartment and flopped on the couch before groaning. She decided to visit Lucy, mostly as a friend, partly as a rival. After knocking on the door, Lucy nervously opened it, sighing in relief when she saw that it was just (Y/N). Lucy ushered her inside. (Y/N) took in the sight before her: clothes were scattered everywhere, and a usually neat apartment looked like a tornado hit.

"Um, Lucy, what happened?"

"I'm totally freaking out, (Y/N)! You've got to help me."

(Y/N) looked at her confused and asked her to elaborate. Her heart dropped again when she heard that Natsu asked Lucy to meet him alone in the park that night.

"You have to help! I have no idea what to wear or what to do with my hair or--"

"I don't think I'd be much help," (Y/N) said simply as she turned to leave the apartment.


(Y/N) turned back around to see Lucy standing out in the street behind her struggling to breathe. She raised an eyebrow at the celestial wizard. Once Lucy caught her breath, she continued.

"Please. I don't even think I like Natsu that way. I need your help to try to sort through all this."

(Y/N) sighed before following Lucy back into her apartment. Lucy started to try on different outfits, asking (Y/N) for her opinion on them.

"Lucy," (Y/N) started, a hint of annoyance in her tone, "if you don't like Natsu, why are you putting in all this effort?"

Lucy stayed silent before a blush appeared on her face.

"I don't know! Maybe I don't want to hurt his feelings. My mind has been running wild lately and it's all Mira's fault."

"Wear the black one," (Y/N) said suddenly before standing up. "Oh, and wear your hair like this."

(Y/N) gestured a hairstyle using her own hair as an example before waving goodbye and disappearing into the shadows.

"This sucks," (Y/N) complained out loud. "Lucy of all people. Figures. This is so cliche. My crush likes my best friend instead of me."

(Y/N) decided against going back to the guild, mostly because she heard a huge commotion when she walked by the guildhall, so she went back to her apartment. (Y/N) groaned and laid face down on her bed with her head buried in a pillow. She screamed into her pillow, letting out all the frustration come out. You see, (Y/N) wasn't an angry jealous type. She was more of a 'let me bottle up everything inside until it forces itself out' kind of jealous with a mix of 'if I cry then it'll all be okay again' jealousy. So, naturally, she started to cry.

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