Introvert!Natsu x Reader: Escape [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to @treqqpoinie112 for the request!


The usual - laughter, chaos, chatter. And (Y/N) was, as always, a part of it. She enjoyed her time in the guildhall, and this was the best time of the year. Everyone was preparing for the winter holiday event, and the guildhall was as crowded as it had ever been. Which was, of course, a little bit of a problem for someone.


Now, Natsu was not as talkative as everyone else, but get him alone and he is the most talkative person there is. Just...crowds and people. Busy times like these weren't usually his thing, so he typically grabbed a table in the back and waited it out until everyone either settled down or left.

There were many times when Natsu would avoid gatherings, and this one is one of those times. When nobody was looking, Natsu tiptoed over to the door, and he would've made it if it weren't for alert eyes.

"Where're ya going, Natsu?" (Y/N) called out.

He froze, sighed loudly, slowly spun around, and gave a nervous smile.

"Uh, I forgot something."

(Y/N) saw right through it and smiled knowingly. A moment later, her (height) frame stood beside him as she pushed the door open.

"Well let's go get it, yeah?"

The dragon slayer studied her, but she just waved him out into the streets. The walk was rather quiet, which was usual for Natsu. (Y/N) had learned that he needed someone else to initiate the conversation for anything to get going, so she did just that.

"So Natsu," she started, "did you decorate your house with Happy?"

"Oh yeah," came a laugh. "He had a lot planned, and I got pulled in. Can't say I don't like it though."

"You should totally show me."

Faint lights could be seen in the distance, which signalled their arrival to Natsu and Happy's house. A quick click of the door invited the two wizards in, and soon different holiday decorations invaded (Y/N)'s senses. The whole place was filled with different lights and vines.

"When did you two even have the time to do this?"

"There were a lot of people in the guildhall last week, so Happy and I snuck out and got a head start on it."

(Y/N) turned in all directions to get a good look at everything before she sat down on a cleared off section of the couch.

"So what're we here for?" She questioned.

"What do you mean?"

"You said that you forgot something."

"Oh, uh, I was hungry," came his weak reply.

(Y/N) clicked her tongue and crossed her arms, giving him a playful glare and continuing, "There's food at the hall. You just don't like people. Which is why I came with you because you'll just disappear."

"It's not that I don't like everyone, but--"

"Nobody said you didn't like them. I understand what it's like. Believe it or not, I consider myself to be an introvert myself."

"Wait, you?" He asked, bewildered. "But you're always hanging around with everyone."

"Just because I hang around with everyone doesn't mean that I'm not hesitant to do it. I came from a village where everyone was afraid to speak up to the soldiers that were stationed there. I learned that I needed to make myself seem comfortable in my surroundings in order to fool them and keep them from taking advantage of us."

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