Singer!Natsu x Reader: Secret (Modern AU) Part 3 [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to marriii9557 for the request!


"Am I doing it right yet?"

"Not quite, sweetheart. Try putting your fingers on the strings right by the little bars."

Natsu was currently trying to teach his daughter, (C/N), to play the guitar. He was, of course, met with flailing hands and broken strings, but he knew not to give up.

"You two are going to run out of strings soon," (Y/N) light-heartedly joked.

The two looked up, (C/N) quickly jumping up and running towards her mother and Natsu gently setting down the guitars they were using before picking himself off the floor.

"Working hard?" She teased.

"Mommy, I can do an A chord now! Daddy said I can play at his next concert!"

Natsu chuckled and picked her up, balancing her on his hip as he quickly kissed (Y/N)'s cheek.


The two parents both laughed before Natsu smiled mischievously at the little girl. He overdramatically kissed her cheek, causing small squeals and giggles to erupt.

"Daddy, can you sing me a song?"

"Hm," he thought out loud. "Let's see here. What would I sing about?"

"You were working on a song about toast!"

"Toast?" (Y/N) echoed. "Were you hungry or something?"

Natsu laughed and picked up the guitar, motioning for (C/N) to pick up hers.

Doesn't matter if it's burnt
Doesn't matter if it's stale
It may be your worst
But I'll eat warm bread all day

The little girl started giggling as she played random strings along to the tune. Natsu looked up to (Y/N) and smiled. (Y/N) joined the two on the floor and spread out her legs as she leaned against the foot of the couch.

"You two are gonna be the next artists of the year if you keep practicing."

Natsu's phone started ringing, so he grabbed it from the table and left the room to take it. He returned a few minutes later to see that his daughter had gone back to trying to learn the chords, and his eyes landed on (Y/N) as she made her way into the kitchen.

"Who was that?"



Natsu sighed and nodded.

"How long?"

"Six months."

(Y/N) pushed herself off the counter that she was leaning on and took his hands.


"Don't be sorry, Natsu. It's your life. You deserve to go on tour. You've worked so hard for it. Don't let it slip away. Besides," she joked, "I think if you stay home and continue teaching her we're gonna have to send someone else on tours, and then I'll be here all alone while you two play out venues."

"I can postpone it."

"Natsu, I told you when we got engaged that I don't want you to put your life on hold for me. You can't back away from what you love."

"Exactly what I'm saying."

"Natsu, do it for your fans. Do it for the love of your job."

Natsu looked off to the side, his eyes eventually finding hers again.

Natsu x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now