Natsu x Reader x Sting: Unknown (Pt. 2) [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to motley_things_ for the request! Also, thank you for 60K!


After finding out about (Y/N) and Sting, Natsu seemed to distance himself from his best friend. He tried to ignore the ache in his heart, but with every second that she didn't acknowledge the news, it angered him. It wasn't that he was angry at her, no. He was angry at the situation. Frustrated. Heart broken. And with each interaction that they had, that memory of her and Sting at the train station flashed into his mind, burning its presence there to haunt him at night.

(Y/N) didn't seem to notice the change in Natsu's demeanor. At least, not right away. He was good at hiding it for the most part. But the (H/C) haired girl started to take note of little changes in the fire wizard.

For one, Natsu seemed to be hesitant when she asked him to hang out. He would look off to the side before making eye contact with her and shaking his head, giving some random excuse of why he couldn't. After the first couple times, she brushed it off. But weeks later, it started to raise questions. So, she came up with a couple things she could do to find out what was wrong.

"Hey Natsu, we should totally go fishing today," she happily suggested.

Said dragon slayer raised his gaze from the wooden table he sat at and made quick eye contact before rubbing the back of his head and giving an unconvincing smile.

"Uh, Happy and I have to do something today. Maybe tomorrow?"

She sighed, starting defeated and picking up enthusiasm as she asked, "I'm going on a job all day tomorrow...did you wanna come?"

Natsu's head whipped upwards to meet her eyes again and opened his mouth to say something, but the words just wouldn't come out. (Y/N) raised her eyebrow as she waited for his answer, but he just closed his mouth and shook his head again. (E/C) eyes narrowed, and she went to press for an answer.


"Hey Natsu," Lucy called, "we're going on a job tomorrow. Wanna come? Erza said we might need your fire."

The fire mage looked back to Lucy and went to agree when he heard a small cough from his best friend. He slowly turned to his friend and laughed nervously.

"What's wrong with you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

(Y/N) huffed, flicked his head, crossed her arm and explained, "You've been acting really weird lately. Care to explain why?"

"I'm not acting any different, (N/N)."

"Bullshit. Spill it, salamander."

"Natsu!" Happy shouted from the guildhall door. "We forgot to grab some food from the market."

Sensing an out, Natsu was quick to join the exceed, and they disappeared into the crowd, leaving a very confused and, if honest, very irritated girl to stand and watch them go.

Happy floated beside Natsu as they headed towards the market, and he decided to speak up once they managed to travel halfway there in silence.

"Why are you avoiding (N/N)?"

"I'm not," Natsu quickly rebutted.

"You still need to tell her. You're not talking to her anymore. You both deserve for it to be said."

"What the heck does that mean?"

"You deserve to have her know, and she deserves to understand why you're upset."

"Since when did you become all smart about this?"

Happy gave Natsu a look, and it was then that Natsu reluctantly agreed. He would tell her when they got back from the market. She would know, finally.

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