Natsu x Reader: Fear [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to LoveAnime4ALiving for the request!


It all started when she was young. Some wizards from a dark guild, the Thundertalons, had attacked (Y/N)'s hometown, and everything went up in flames. They were not shy about using their fire magic, and they immediately went for the houses and buildings near the center of town. (Y/N)'s house was one of the first to light up, and her parents were trapped inside. Out of the three of them, (Y/N) was the only one who made it, but not without injury. As she rushed towards the door, a beam had fallen, too burnt to stay up anymore, and hit her on the arm, resulting in a sizable burn. And that, of course, left a sizable scar in its place as it healed. Ever since then, (Y/N) had been terrified of fire. Anything that had to do with fire - candles, campfires, fireplaces, fireworks - frightened her. She had no reason to stay in her hometown anymore, so she ventured off to a place where she could find somewhere to call home. Magnolia ended up being that place.

"Welcome, child. So you say you want to join Fairy Tail?"

(Y/N) gave a curt nod and scanned the guildhall. It was true: she was also a wizard, possessing (magic type) magic. However, she admitted to herself that she wasn't nearly as strong as the more formidable wizards, as she was often too unsure of herself to really go all out when fighting. Don't get me wrong. She was able to hold her own in a fight, and she had the skills of a masterful tactician, but she had a bit of trouble following through.

"Well welcome aboard. Let's get you your stamp."

The woman (Y/N) had recognized as Mira stood in front of her, wearing a warm smile and holding the stamp device. The (H/C) haired girl pointed to the spot where she wanted her guild mark, and it was quickly pressed to the skin.

The guild doors swung open, and with it came the announcement that Team Natsu had arrived. Lucy, Wendy and Erza made their way over to their usual table, and Gray had wandered over to the request board to see if he could find their next request. Natsu had, as usual, approached the bar and took a seat on his usual stool. He spotted the newcomer and smiled wide in greeting, holding out his hand.

"I guess you're new," he joked. "Natsu."


A loud noise was heard from behind them, and they all quickly turned towards the source of the noise to see that Elfman had challenged Cana to a "manly duel." This had, like many times before, caused a guild-wide brawl to ensue. It seemed like everyone was jumping in, save for the more rational members (mainly Lucy, Wendy and Levy), and Natsu was no exception.

"I'm all fired up now!"

As soon as she saw the red sparks, a high-pitched scream sounded throughout the guild. Everyone stopped moving immediately, and they turned to the curled up wizard on the floor.

"What's up with you?" Natsu questioned, genuinely curious.

It took a couple minutes, but (Y/N) had eventually calmed down enough to talk.

"Well, I'm just really afraid of fire I guess," she tried explaining. "My town was really hurt by fire, and my family ended up dying in it. I just don't like it."

"Like, at all?"

"Not one bit."

"Is that where you got that pretty nasty scar from?"

"Happy!" Lucy scolded. "Don't say something like that."

(Y/N) smiled solemnly, her eyes landing on the scarred skin. Natsu let out a long breath and shrugged before turning back to the bar.

"Don't worry about him," Lucy consoled. "He's just an idiot. But he would never seriously hurt anyone."

Her (E/C) eyes darted over to him, studying him for any sign of him calling on his flames again, but she had calmed after a careful deduction.

Natsu x Reader One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن