Natsu x Reader: College Choice [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to @treqqpoinie112 for the request! Just a quick note: this takes place in the US because I found it easier to write it that way. I hope you like it!


"What the hell are you doing?" Gray questioned as he walked over to a table in the library.

Surrounded by papers and folders, paired with a total of forty-two open tabs, Natsu looked up and narrowed his eyes.

"Well I'm obviously trying to pick a college," he sassed.

"You? College? Oh please."

"Alright boys," a voice interrupted. "Play nice."

They both looked over to spot the familiar (H/C) haired girl as she held her own laptop. She took a seat across from Natsu at the table and silently worked through whatever she was focused on.

"How are you so calm about this?" Natsu asked. "It's basically the biggest decision of our lives."

The girl gave a small smile and scooted her chair in closer, resting her head in her hand as she scrolled through the window.

"Just am, I guess. Took multiple trips to the guidance counselor though."

"So Natsu," Gray spoke up again, "what are you even going for?"



"I just made the decision last week!" He defended. "How the heck am I supposed to know what I want to do for the rest of my life? I can barely handle high school."

"I think you'll do great in whatever you choose, Natsu," the girl stated.

"Oh come on, (Y/N). You're just saying that because you'll have to deal with his pouting when he doesn't get in."

"What did you just say?!"

(Y/N) clapped her hands, successfully delaying the inevitable bickering, and leaned across the table, spinning Natsu's laptop around to look at it. Upon seeing the extensive amount of college websites in the tabs, she sighed and fully grabbed the laptop to put in front of her. Her plan: help him narrow it down. How? Well, she couldn't be the one to make his decision, so she went with the next strategy - questioning.

"Do you want tech training?"


"Okay, so that crosses off three of these."

Natsu's eyes snapped up to meet her (E/C) ones, seemingly understanding (and accepting) the help.

"What about campus size?"

"What does that mean?"

"Well some colleges have smaller campuses that you can easily walk around. Everything is in one general area. Then there are colleges that have larger campuses, and sometimes it's fully integrated into the city around it. You'd probably get used to walking pretty quickly, and some of them have buses."

"I can't survive a bus ride."

"Not arguing with you there," Gray commented. "You'd probably pass out or throw up halfway back."

"I don't think I asked you," Natsu threw back. "Go away. I'm having a conversation."

Just as she did before, (Y/N) closed out multiple tabs (and ignored the start of their arguing yet again). She continued to click through each college homepage and get the basic idea of each, taking into account what made each unique.

"Do you care if you go to a sport school or do you not want that?"

"Don't really care either way."

"Party school?"

"Uh, probably not. I'd get too distracted."

Closed tabs.


"Definitely not a lot," Natsu laughed. "Kinda broke."

Half gone.

"Any idea of what you want to do or is everything still up in the air?"

"I have absolutely no clue," Natsu responded, nervously laughing and rubbing the back of his head.

"So can I cross off nursing schools?"

"Woah. I actually picked those out?"

"Yeah, 'cause you can't read."

"Gray," (Y/N) scolded.

Said boy rolled his eyes and looked over (Y/N)'s shoulder to see just how many he picked out. (E/C) eyes continued to scan each homepage. Both of them stopped reading and looked up at the pink haired student with blank looks.

"What?" He asked.

"You picked out an all-girl school," they said in unison.

Natsu let out a quiet 'oh' and shook his head.

"What about admission requirements? How'd you do on the SATs and ACT?"

"Not well at all," Natsu regrettably revealed.


"Do you even have to ask that? I mean," Gray started, motioning towards the scattered mess that was the study table, "look at him in class."

"Everyone has a different intelligence area. GPA and test scores don't determine self-worth. He's good at plenty other things."

"But he's right, (N/N)," Natsu groaned. "I'll never get in anywhere."

"What about state schools? They're definitely not as expensive. And besides, you don't wanna go to a school that surrounds a narrower major set if you don't know what you want to do. There's no use trying to get into the school that has the top criminal justice program if you don't even know if you want to do that."

The stressed-out boy gave a nod in agreement. After getting the okay, (Y/N) closed out of basically all of the tabs, leaving three.

"You have three here, but there's plenty more. That's when you take into account the campus size, sports atmosphere, club selection, what's in the area around it, distance from home, and the variety of majors."

"You're a lifesaver," he breathed. "The counselor would have never explained it like that."

(Y/N) smiled and slid the laptop over to him fully.

"You'll do great."

"Hey (N/N)," Gray suggested, "why don't you help me do all this, too?"

"No way," Natsu cut in.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes once more, but when she went to speak, her words were silenced by the period bell. Gray spun and exited the library, leaving Natsu and (Y/N) as they packed up their stuff.

"You're the best," Natsu praised.

"Does that mean I get to pick where you take me this weekend?" She light-heartedly teased. "Because I was thinking of ice cream."

"I mean," Natsu teased back, "if that's what your heart really wants."


And with that, (Y/N) made her way towards the library's exit. A sudden touch presented itself on her left hand, and when she went to pull away, she realized that it was Natsu catching up to her.

"We should go to the same school," he suggested. "You know, so we can be roommates."

"Doubt I'd be able to live with you full-time."

"Well you better learn," he played. "Because you are stuck with me forever."

"I think I'll room with Gray," (Y/N) casually stated, fully well-knowing that she would get the reaction she did from her boyfriend.

"Hey! You can't room with him and not with me!"

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