Shy!Natsu x Extrovert!Reader: Mushroom [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to yeshud for the request!


Natsu was never a very outgoing person. Whether it was ordering at the bar or going on requests, there was always a cloud of hesitancy following him. He became even more timid when a certain wizard joined the guild.

There was no doubt that (Y/N) was outgoing, and there wasn't a time where she would shy away from an interaction. In fact, she loved engaging in conversation with someone. Chatting with her guild mates, conversing with request holders, even addressing the members of the Magic Council. She held no social fear, and Natsu admired her for it.

"Hey Natsu! What's going on?"

Natsu was taken back by the sudden voice, as he jolted. (Y/N) giggled and apologized before grabbing his hand and dragging him over to the request board.

"Wanna go on a request? I found this really cool one, but it needs a fire mage."

"Oh, uh, I mean—"

"Come on, it'll be fun! It's an overnight request, so we can have a sleepover! Isn't that cool?"


"It pays good," (Y/N) reasoned when she saw his resistance.

"I, um, well I guess I could go."


She hopped away and took the paper off the request board and handed it over to Mira. A smile stretched across her face as she turned around to face the fire mage. Natsu smiled sheepishly at her cheerful demeanor and followed her down the street to the edge of town.

"I figured we could walk," she started before her tone turned to teasing, "because it's close enough and your stomach can't take the train."

Natsu blushed deeply and quickly gave a small 'sorry' as he struggled to speak. Embarrassment flooded through him, and he couldn't look in her eyes.

"Don't worry about it, Natsu. I enjoy walking anyway. Just means that we'll have to check into an inn when we get there."

They started their walk through the forest and made their way to the nearby town. The request was easy: use fire to burn away an infestation of mushrooms. They weren't dangerous, but very inconvenient for the townspeople. (Y/N) had quickly taken it due to the reward, but she had realized that she needed a fire mage. This didn't bother her at all, as she had wanted to ask Natsu on a request for a while. She didn't mind admitting it - she held a certain fondness for the dragon slayer, and going on a request with just the two of them worked out perfectly.

"So Natsu," came her cheerful voice, "has anything interesting been happening lately? I haven't had time to go to the guildhall a lot."

"Um, there's a party going on in a couple days."

"A party? For what?"

"I think Gramps said it was for the fact that we went two weeks without the Magic Council getting involved."

(Y/N) laughed loudly and smiled wide.

"I guess that does call for celebration," she joked.

Natsu slowly nodded his head and continued to walk behind her. (Y/N) turned back to him again.

"Where's Happy?"

"He didn't feel well," he said regrettably, missing his friend that would provide a blanket of comfort for him.

"Aw, I hope he gets better soon."

She dropped back so they were walking side by side and stretched her arms out in front of her. She continued to talk, even when he gave no response.

"...And then I was like 'woah no way' and he was like 'no really you can take it' and then he handed me the reward anyway! Isn't that cool?"

Natsu gave a nervous 'mmhmm' and continued to walk with his head down. He almost died right on the spot when she grabbed his hand and started tugging him through the forest.

"Come on, we're almost there and my feet are getting tired."

They made it through the forest and to the town, and (Y/N)'s eyes lit up when she saw a bakery.

"Can we go? Please?"

Natsu nodded, his eyes trained on a cupcake that sat in the window. (Y/N) rushed inside and took a seat by the window. The dragon slayer followed her in and took the seat across from her, folding his hands on the table. They ordered their desserts and happily ate.

"Never pinned you for a cupcake person. I just thought you only liked fish."

Natsu nervously laughed at her joking and said that he liked basically every food. (Y/N) giggled and turned back to her slice of cake, humming happily.

"So I was thinking that we should hang out more."

"Me? Why?"

(Y/N) giggled and pointed her fork at him, revealing, "Because I enjoy your company. You're fun to talk to."

"Really?" He questioned, hope lacing his voice.

"Besides, you're like the only person to not get annoyed with me."

Natsu chuckled and continued to eat his cupcake. Once they were finished, they paid and left, heading towards the inn. They checked into a room and set their stuff down and made their way to the house of the requester. The person gave them the necessary information and sent them in the direction of the infestation.

"So, uh, why did you take this request if you couldn't do anything?"

"I wanted to spend time with you of course!"

"No seriously."

"I needed something different to do, and I figured I would try to do something I've always wanted to do."

"...Mushroom infestation? Are you sure that's what you really wanna do with your time?"

"I'm talking about hanging out with you, Natsu."

Natsu stopped walking and looked at her weird, suspiciously asking her why.

"You're always hanging out with Happy and Lucy, and I always wanted to join you, but I figured that it would mess up the dynamic you were comfortable with. So I decided to do this instead! Pretty smart, right?"

Natsu blinked a couple times before his face erupted into a strong scarlet. (Y/N) looked back and smiled at him, winking and turning back to the road in front of her. The dragon slayer quickly jogged to catch up to her and started to list off questions.

"Are you sure?"


"And I just never noticed?"

"Also yes."


"You intrigue me, Natsu Dragneel."


"I've always wanted to get to know you more, but you seemed like the type of person to shut down when dealing with a strong personality. And believe me, I've been scolded enough times by the guild about being 'too much' that I figured it would scare you away."


"What's up?"

"I just...I, uh, well I guess I'm saying that I kinda wanted to hang out with you too."

(Y/N) gave a lopsided grin and dropped back again. She swung her arm around his shoulder and laughed.

"Good. Now you can't get rid of me. Now let's get this mushroom thing done so you can take me out for dinner."


"Well I'm not gonna pay if you're taking me on a date. That's just rude."


"Well yeah. That was the whole point."

Natsu looked at her with wide eyes and dilated pupils, trying to take in the information that was being thrown at him.


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