Superhero!Natsu x Superhero!Reader: Tamer [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to treqqpoinie112 for the request!


When she was a child, (Y/N) would dream about superheroes. They were captivating to her, and she aimed to be just like them. She would dream about having her own superpowers, and her parents would read her different stories every night before bed.

What would her superpower be? Flying? Maybe invisibility. Super human strength would be cool. What about telekinesis? 

"Hey (Y/N), think you can tell the cats to chill?"

Oh. Right.

"They're not hurting anyone."

Her superpower was being able to tame animals.

She belonged to a group, the Fairy Tail superheroes. Everyone had their own powers, whether it was strength, speed, teleportation, and sometimes elasticity. (Y/N) fit in well, especially considering most of the members were accompanied by cats, which meant that (Y/N)'s powers came in handy. But that was all she felt useful for. She might fit in, but she never really felt like she belonged.

"Hey (N/N), you gotta come here for a sec."

"What's up?"

Gray, the member with freeze over powers, started snickering. The (H/C) became both curious and nervous, and after a few seconds of silence, (Y/N) pressed him for an answer.

"Guess who you're paired with today."

"Who am!"

Gray gave her a smirk and patted her on the shoulder before he went to walk away.

"Gray you gotta help me," she pleaded. "You know I can't work with him."

"You'll be fine," he dismissed. "Just don't mess up."

(Y/N) stood in the middle of the floor, too shocked to move. You see, it was no secret that she was interested in one of her superhero friends. And to make matters worse, this hero would do things...unconventionally. Which meant, of course, that he sometimes made more a problem for the townspeople than the villains did.

The last time they were paired together, it was a mess. Sure, the family was saved from the fire that was intentionally set. And yeah, they got out safely. But Natsu also took out the entire line of houses in his attempts to "subdue" the fire. Ever since, he had been ordered to go on solo duties, as the rest of the group were starting to get tarnished reputations due to his antics. This superhero was well-known for his destructive manners, and the townspeople would silently (or not so silently, as seen in the multiple town hall sessions they held) suffer from his actions.

Wendy spotted the (H/C) girl just staring at the floor, so she decided to go over.

"Are you okay? You seem scared."

"I'm going to die," she said simply.

"What happened? Are you hurt?"

"They're putting me with Natsu."

"But I thought that he wasn't allowed on paired rescues anymore."

"Well I guess he was able to change their minds."

As if it was planned, a huge bang sounded from the common room, and seconds later smoke billowed from the doorway.

"You'll never guess what I found!"

"Another lawsuit, no doubt," Gajeel mumbled.

The superhero in question scanned the room before stepping over to the main area, shedding his jacket and jumping onto the couch. Everyone waited impatiently for his retelling of events, nervously hoping that nothing went wrong, which was, as they had found out before, not a strong possibility in the least.

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