Chapter 37: A Final Goodbye

Start from the beginning

Sloth, as well as Akari and Al who had just caught up to the two were shocked to see a large transmutation circle here of all places.

"What is this?" Asked Sloth.

"I asked myself that same question myself yesterday as well when I stumbled upon here. Once I found out this specific circle was used to seal and kill Homunculi, I set you up by having Alphonse come here as bait." Said Ed who had this planned all the time he was away which shocked Al and Akari.

Sloth simply gave a smile hearing that. "That's quite clever of you boy. It'll take more than that to kill me you know."

"Oh don't worry I know. I got that all covered!" Said Ed, his hand reaching into his pocket as he pulled out a small container

In a move that shocked Sloth, Ed, instead of trying to break free decided to turn around and immediately charge straight at Sloth

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In a move that shocked Sloth, Ed, instead of trying to break free decided to turn around and immediately charge straight at Sloth.

This caused the trap to loosen up as Ed reached and slammed the container into Sloth's body as it accepted the container as it began to merge inside the body as Sloth began to slowly decay.

"Brother what is that!?" Asked Al.

"She's our fake mom Al. This is her weakness. Her remains." Said Ed.

Hearing this shocked Al as he got upset.

"W-Wait. You dug out our mother's grave without telling me!? What's wrong with you!" Asked Al which shocked Akari.

"In case you didn't notice we're fighting for our lives!" Said Ed.

Al ignored that as he ran and grabbed the container containing their mom's remains as he threw it outside the window.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Said Ed running at Al only for him to shove the other down.

"Just stay down Ed! I'm not gonna let you do this to her!"

"Don't you understand!? We got a job to fulfill!"

"Mom's reamins paralyzed this homunculus. This proves what she is absolutely and where she comes from. We created her that day." Said Al, as he turned to see Sloth regained form and began barfing up her insides.

"You need to understand Al! We did create her and now we gotta put her to rest! Do you really wanna keep being attacked by her again!?" Asked Ed.

Al struggled to answer.

He knew what he had to, but, he just didn't have the strength to do it.

They all then saw Sloth, who was severely weakened by her own remains, slowly regain human form as she stood up and faced Ed.

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