Chapter 33: The Transmutation

Start from the beginning

Before Truth could finish speaking Akari had shut him up.

"I know who you are nitwit! Now shut the hell up and come with me." Said Akari as she tried to grab his arm only for her hand to phase through it.

"Haha. Forget to mention that physical contact phases through me. Don't worry. I can go myself." Said Truth after chuckling a bit.

With that both godly beings walked to Akari's room as Akari sat on her bed and Truth on the floor.

"Let me guess. You summoned me to ask me a couple of questions correct? Then go ahead. I got all the answers you need." Said Truth.

Akari cleared her throat before speaking.

"Do you have any connection at all with the Elric brothers?" She asked.

Truth kept quiet for a bit before sighing. "So you've finally figured out about my other deal. Congrats. Would you like a medal?"

"Stay serious you white tofu dolt!" Shouted Akari as Truth laughed a little.

"Alright alright I'm sorry. Anyways, yes. I am indeed connected with the Elrics. They were my first contractors before I met Alex. Though, unlike Alex, the other two didn't willingly want a contract." Said Truth.

"Willingly want a contract? Are you implying you forced them into one?" Asked Akari.

"Listen. Before you go making assumptions, let me show you the past that led up to their present."

A small white orb formed in Truth's hand before he expanded it as it covered the room.

Eventually the white background changed into what looked like a small basement with tons of tubes, books, and other items as well as Alphonse's armor on the stand.

Akari looked around for a bit until she heard a little kid speak.

"Water, 35 Liters. Carbon, 20 Kilograms. Ammonia, 4 Liters. Lime, 1.5 Kilograms. Phosphorus, 800 Grams. Salt, 250 Grams. Saltpeter, 100 Grams. Sulfur, 80 Grams. Fluorine, 7.5 Grams. Iron, 5 Grams. Silicon, 3 Grams. Okay. Let's write down the formula now."

She turned around to see a young Ed and Al drawing a transmutation circle on the ground as she noticed a pot of ashes in the center.

"Truth. What're they doing?" Asked Akari as the brothers placed their hands onto the circle.

"They're about to commit alchemy's biggest sin."

The large transmutation circle began to blow bright blue with sparks circling around it.

Their faces had huge smiles seeing everything go as planned.

Unfortunately, things went south fast.

A black mist began to circle around the transmutation circle as the blue glow turned into an ominous purple as the brothers looked around in confinement.

"Hey Ed? Something doesn't feel right." Said the young Alphonse as they saw in the middle of the circle, a giant eye opened as mini black arms emerged from the circle.

What Akari would see next would horrify her.

The black arms touched Al's left hand and literally disintegrated it into nothing as Al panicked.

"Al!" Shouted the young Ed until he also shouted in pain as he fell and saw that the arms had disintegrated his left leg into two.

"I-I can't be. A rebound?"

Ed's attention was then back at Al who shouted his name as he was slowly being dragged away by the arms as they disintegrated Al's body at blistering speed.

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