Jauregui sisters ☺️

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(You're 17 and Lauren's your 21 year old sister ☺️)

You followed Lauren closely as you walked into the studio. Today, you were appearing on holly wire tv with your famous sister.

"So today i'm joined by the amazing Jauregui sisters, Lauren and y/n!" Chelsea announced as you both ran towards her, pulling her into a group hug.

"Aw its great to see you guys, I missed you!" The blonde cooed.

"It's been too long Chels!"..."We've missed you too!" You both replied. A few seconds later, you all pulled away from the hug and you took a seat next to your sister.

"So twitters been blowing up! There's so many questions...so lets get started." She said, waving the iPad in the air..."First things first y/n, what's it like having Lauren as a sister?"

"Crazy." You answered. "Seriously crazy, but I wouldn't change her for anything. She's super cool, real confident, supportive and just amazing!"

"Awww y/n/n (your nickname) that's so nice!" Lauren said, reaching out to hug you.

"How much did you pay her to say that?" Chelsea said, making you laugh.

"Nothing! I swear!"..."aw, y/n's such a good sister too. She makes me laugh so much, she's literally the funniest person I know, and she's my little sis."

"Aw thats cute!"..."Was it strange seeing Lauren with Fifth Harmony on the X factor? Like did you think 'wow that's my sister'?"

"I'm so proud of Lo, I remember watching her and the girls on the X factor, and it's so amazing to join them on their journey and see how far Fifth Harmony have come."..."she may annoy me sometimes, but she's my big sis, I love her." You answered with a smile, looking to Lauren.

"Aw thanks y/n, I love you too!"

"Although, she can be literally so embarrassing sometimes." You told Chelsea, making Lauren chuckle and lightly punch your arm.

"Do you have any stories to share?" She encouraged, with a huge smile.

"Yeah I have lots!"..."So this one time, when I was dating this boy, she totally interrogated him...asking 'his intentions' and that if he ever hurt me, she'd 'personally make sure he couldn't pee for a week' I wouldn't mind, but we'd only been dating for two days." You revealed, causing Lauren to burst into laughter. "She used to pick me up from school and try to embarrass me in front of him!"

"Well what did you expect y/n? You're my baby sister, i'm here to look out for you." Lauren replied, making Chelsea coo.

"Do either of you have any annoying habits and if so what?" She continued.

"Thats a real good question."..."hm, the most annoying thing about y/n, is how well she gets on with Dinah and they always come up with these 'masterplans' to prank us."..."it's literally so annoying, because the other girls and I are always nervous when DJ and y/n are around."

You burst out laughing at the memories of pranking the girls, and when Ally 'told you off' one time for replacing her shampoo with mayo.

"Its hella funny!"..."Lauren doesn't really annoy me now, but when we were younger, we always used to fight and she used to always snitch on me to our mom."

You looked to her and tears were streaming down her face from laughing so much. "Ha! Yes! Remember that time with the vase?!"

"Oh no, tell us more..." Chelsea encouraged.

"Well, Lauren was trying to teach Camila and I some dance moves."..."it was going really well until Lauren and I were spinning around and knocked our mom's favourite vase off of the coffee table. She totally told mom that it was my fault when it was a joint effort." You said, stifling a laugh.

"Sorry mom." You both said in sync, before bursting into laughter for the hundredth time.

"Oops!" Chelsea exclaimed, laughing loudly with you and Lauren. "That sounds crazy guys!"

When you all stopped laughing Chelsea looked back to the iPad. "So, the last tour went amazing, is it crazy on the road?"

"Kinda! But it's fun, especially on the bus because it's like having a really huge family." You replied with a smile. "and there's always the perfect opportunities to prank them."

Lauren shook her head in response. "Yeah, fun for you and DJ."..."all jokes aside though, its really nice to have all the support and love on the bus. Like we have movie nights, and Ally's real good at cooking so she's always taking care of us."

"Yeah she's the mama bear." You added with a smile making Chelsea 'aww'

"So, the next question is from @jauregui'sbae, who do you ship your sister with?"

"I ship Lauren with...hm...Camila. Hashtag Team Camren!!" You squealed, making your sister roll her eyes and blush furiously.

"Ha, very funny y/n...Camila and I are just friends...a divine and lovely friendship."

"Pft whatevz." You mumbled under your breath, making the brunette smack your arm again, before turning back to the camera.

"I don't ship y/n with anyone, as her big sis I have to make sure she doesn't date properly till she's at least 40." Lauren answered, trying to remain serious but that failed miserably.

"See what I have to put up with!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms up in a joking manner.

Chelsea giggled and placed her hand over her eyes, shaking her head. Once she composed herself, she looked down to the iPad again. "If you could switch lives with anyone from 5H who would you switch with and why?"

"Oooo! That's such a hard question!"'..."Dibs Ally!" You exclaimed quickly.

"I was going to say Ally!" Lauren retorted, with a fake annoyed tone.

"Ha! Too bad. I'd switch with Ally cause' she has a heart the size of the friggin planet, she can cook/bake really well and she's super pretty!" You said with a smile.

"Aw thats really nice!"

"Aw, yeah y/n, I'd pick Mani. I'd switch lives with her cause' her dance skills are out of this world, she's got such a good sense of humour and I think her blue hair is real cool!" Lauren answered.

"Aw, you two are so sweet." The blonde responded, making you and Lauren smile at each other.

"Aw thanks Chels."

You looked to Chelsea and she was just about to read another question before you saw her pressing down on her ear piece. "Oh no! We've run out of time guys!"

"Wow! Time really does fly when your having fun!"..."well have catch up again soon! Watch this space harmonizers!"

"Definitely! It was so great catching up with you both!"..."tell the girls I said hi!"..."love you!"

"We will do! We love ya too Chels!" You replied in unison.

"Quickly, last question, when does the album come out?"

"Oh yeah the album! It comes out February, so make sure you preorder! Also, buy tickets for the tour! We can't wait to see you guys!"

Lern Jergi Imagines :)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara