Part 2

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"Babe, please say something." You whispered into the silent room as Lauren sat on the floor in shock.

But she still remained silent, just staring at the carpet and not moving a muscle. Both you and Ava stood awkwardly, not knowing what was going to happen next.

"A-are you mad at me?" You spoke up again, feeling the tears build up.

Lauren looked up and eventually opened her mouth to speak. "But- what the holy fudge balls, how?"

"Lauren, maybe you should sit down."

You reached out your hand to help her up, and she allowed you to walk her to the bed.

"Should I go?" Ava asked timidly, and you shook your head in response.

"Take a seat too princess, you should hear this too."

She looked to the bed where your wife was sat, then looked back to you and you nodded again in reassurance. With that, she nervously joined your wife on the edge of the bed. That's when you noticed the resemblance between them both.

You inhaled deeply before breaking the silence. "I'll start from the beginning."


"Well, know when we were on our break? and I went to New York?" You started.

Lauren just nodded once, unable to form any words at this point.

"Well I was a few weeks pregnant."..."at first I had all intentions of keeping our baby and raising her in New York where my family were."..."but when my mom found out about the pregnancy, she sat me down and had a huge discussion."..."I realized that Ava needed the best possible parents, that could give her everything and more. She needed the best care and I couldn't provide her with that at the time."..."and that's when I decided to put Ava up for adoption."

You took her hands in your own. "Ava was adopted from being a baby, and she has grown up with her adoptive parents in New York ever since."..."then, the universe brought us back together, Ava's adoptive parents moved to Miami, and Ava contacted me on her birthday and we've been meeting up secretly for a few weeks."..."i'm s-so sorry ba-baby."

Lauren's shock expression remained as she frantically looked between you and the teenager by her side. "and you kept it from me for-"..."how old are you Ava?"

"17..." Your daughter mumbled.

"You've kept this from me for 17 years and nine months?"

"I-i wa-was scared."..."we were 18, we couldn't take care of a baby. And the band was taking off, it was too complicated. I wanted to tell you."

"So I, Lauren Michelle Jauregui, have a freakin 17 year old daughter?"

You nodded in response and the room fell silent again.


"Lauren, are you angry?" You heard Ava ask, looking to your wife.

The tears were evident in her eyes and it broke your heart as her voice cracked.

From the fragile tone, Lauren quickly lifted her head. "Oh no, mija! I'm ju-just getting my head around th-this."..."I have a daughter."

Ava looked to you for reassurance once more and you smiled back, thankful that Laur wasn't mad.

Your wife held out her arms for your emotional teenage daughter. "Can I?"

Ava nodded and you watched intently as Lauren smiled lovingly before she pulled your daughter into her arms and kissed the top of her head.

"I want to get to know you...if that's okay." Your wife added.

Your little girl started to sob in Lauren's protective embrace. "Thank-thankyou."

The older Jauregui rocked from side to side, gently placing kisses against her head. "We're here now darling, we've got you."

She then looked up and gestured for you to join them. You moved closer as she tugged on your arm and pulled you into her body before kissing you with so much passion.

"I love you so much y/n, and i'm so sorry that you've had to go through this alone baby. But I want to make this work, I want us to be a family. I will sign all of the paperwork tonight if I have to. Our baby girl should be with us. I know that it's going to be hard, and a new beginning. But right from the start, you know i've got you." You heard her whisper as she held you both in her protective embrace, you felt the tears running down your face and your heart was nearly bursting with love.

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