Puppy :)

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"Camz, D! Come on we need to find the perfect puppy for Ava..." Lauren tried, as the two girls messed around in the pet store.
"Awwwww! Lauren! Look!" Dinah hollered, holding a tiny puppy in her arms, Camila peppering kisses on its face.
"Aw, hey little fella!" Lauren cooed at the tiny black labrador puppy now jumping at her feet. "You wanna come home with us?" She continued, stroking the soft fur and laughing at the hyper dog.
"Aw he's such a cutie!" Camila said, kneeling down to cuddle the puppy. One of the sales assistants made their way over to the girls. "Hi, can I be of any help to you today?"
"Yeah thanks, please can I buy this little cutie?" Lauren asked the polite boy.
"Sure, you just need to sign a few papers and you can take him home."
After signing the various forms, she took the leash and turned back to the two girls.
"Mila! Dinah! Lets go!"
"Okay mom!" Camila replied, making Dinah laugh. "Yeah mom! We're right behind ya!"
"Ha! You two are so funny!" She retorted sarcastically, making the two younger girls laugh. They followed Lauren towards the car, Camila walked to the back seat and Dinah jumped in the passenger side.
"Keep hold of him Mila, he's quite hyper, aren't you little buddy." Lauren laughed ruffling the fur on the dogs head. She handed the leash to Camila and jumped into the drivers seat. "Please don't pee on me!" The younger brunette pleaded, as the dog sat on her lap, making Dinah laugh loudly. Lauren shook her head in amusement, pulled out of the parking lot and drove back to the fifth harmony house.
The door opened widely and the three girls rushed in, Lauren now holding the excited puppy in her arms.
"We're home!"
"I'm in the lounge babe!" You yelled back from the sofa. Camila and Dinah walked into the kitchen, and your girlfriend joined you in the living room, placing the new addition to the family on the floor, still holding the leash.
"Lo? Why's there a dog in the house?" you questioned before Lauren planted her hand over your mouth.
"He's ours baby, he's a surprise for Ava." She whispered in your ear, removing her hand and making you grin widely. "Aw Lolo! She's gonna love him!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms around the brunette.
"Ava! Come here a sec!" Lauren hollered through the hallway seconds later the patter of feet could be heard from the kitchen. Then, your daughter appeared in the doorway.
"Hi mommy!" Ava said animatedly, but before she ran into your wife's legs, she looked down to the labrador sat at your feet. "Mama? Why's there a puppy?"..."Did Aunt Mila get a puppy?..."can we get a puppy!" She questioned, looking up to you in excitement.
"He's ours darling."
"Really?!" The 6 year old squealed. You both nodded your head in response and she ran up to you and Lauren, hugging you close. "Thankyou!"
"Aw you're welcome baby girl."..."you have to take real good care of him Ava." Lauren explained with a smile.
"I'll take care of him mommy." She replied, grinning with excitement. "I'm calling him fluffy!" She squealed. "Can I hold him?" She questioned eagerly. Dinah and Camila joined you in the living room, smiling at Ava's reaction.
"Of course sweetie." You replied in unison. Lauren knelt down and unclipped the leash, allowing 'fluffy.' to run towards your daughter. The both of you laughed. You watched on as Ava spoke animatedly to the little bundle, playing happily on the floor.
"Whats going on guys?" Normani and Ally asked, leaning against the doorway.
"Aunt Mani! Aunt Ally! Look!" Ava squealed in excitement, pointing at the puppy.
"Aw! Who's puppy is that?" Mani questioned, looking at the other singers.
"He's ours." Lauren answered with a smile.
"We finally have a fifth harmony puppy ya'll!" Ally said happily, running over to fuss with the little girl over the new addition. The other girls joined them on the lounge floor, playing with the little bundle of joy. You stood with your girlfriend, watching the scene with love.
"Aw babe, that was such a cute thing to do! I love you." You cooed, wrapping your arms around Laurens waist.
"I love you too babe."..."As long as your all happy, I'm happy." She replied lovingly, kissing the top of your head.

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