Just friends? (Part 2)

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"Hey!" You hollered, smiling excitedly at the five girls in front of you.

"hey! ready to go?" Mani replied, pointing to the huge tourbus on the road.

You nodded, before locking your front door and then you bent down to lift up your bags.

"Here, let me help." Lauren said politely, moving to easily lift the bags into her arms.

"thanks Laur." you said gratefully, putting your hand on her arm.

Little did you know, the girls were now watching the encounter between the pair of you, before shooting looks at each other.

Dinah and Camila started to giggle to themselves, causing Ally to hit their arms.

"Lets get going then!" The oldest cheered enthusiastically, pulling you out of your trance.

You smiled to Lauren and she smiled back, before she adjusted your bags in her arms and headed to the massive tourbus.


A few minutes later, everything was packed up onto the bus, and the six of you rushed inside. You, Dinah, Ally and Normani headed straight for the bunks, Camila was grabbing her bags from the lounge, as Lauren made tea in the kitchen area.

"guys! We should totally scare Camila..." Dinah encouraged, clapping her hands together.

"she's getting all her things from lounge now, to put in her bunk."..."if you and Mani get in there, you can totally scare her." she added, pointing between Ally and Normani.

The four of you started to laugh, whilst nodding in agreement. So, Ally and Normani squeezed into the bunk and pulled the curtain, effectively hiding them.

The youngest singer came bursting back into the bunk section, carrying all her things. So, you and Dinah quickly 'acted naturally' swaying on the spot.

The youngest brunette looked at Dinah, with her phone now in her hand, and shrugged her shoulders.

"oh, I thought you were recording me..." Camila spoke up, before putting her bag on the floor.

You gripped onto the back of Dinah's sweater, and tried to hold back your laughter.

"Why would I want to record you?" Dinah replied, making you giggle, knowing what was about to happen.

The pair of you watched intently, as the younger brunette moved to pull the curtain back.

She pulled it fully back and Normani jumped out, followed by Ally, causing Camila to scream loudly in shock.

"GUYYYYS!" she exclaimed, moving to hit the singers that had scared her.

Just as you and the singers were laughing, you heard Lauren's authoritative tone."Girls! we have a show to get ready for!"

"Okay mom!" Dinah shouted back, making you all burst back into fits of giggles.


After the show had finished, the girls had gone backstage. They had arranged to quickly get changed, then meet you back at the bus.

As you were walking back through the parking lot, you kept your eyes on your cellphone. Then suddenly somebody bumped into you. Luckily, you didn't fall to the ground.

Then came a panicked, deep voice. "Oh shoot! Sorry!"

You looked up to see bright blue eyes looking back at you, making you suddenly feel nervous. "It's okay." you mumbled.

"wow. you're super beautiful." He burst out, shifting nervously on his feet. "Shit, I said that out loud."

"awwww thankyou..." you replied whilst blushing, and hinting for his name.

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