You meet the other girls

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"Babe, don't be nervous, they're going to love you!" Lauren tried to calm your nerves, entwining your fingers together as you both walked towards the fifth harmony tour bus. The girls were touring America and had left the recent venue just over an hour ago. However Lauren promised that she'd meet you after the concert to spend some time together. She treated you to a romantic meal and now you were on your way back to meet the famous girls. "They know how important you are to me y/n, and plus you're amazing! How can they not love you." She continued, her arm wrapped around your shoulders and pulling you into her side as you reached the door.

"You ready babe?" She asked, staring deep into your eyes. Before losing yourself in her beauty, you nodded your head in response and smiled. After kissing your temple, Lauren tugged on your arm and quickly pressed the password for the bus.

"Hallo?! We're home!" Lauren shouted at the top of her voice, into the surprisingly quiet tour bus. The brunette placed her hand on the small of your back as you walked further into the "fifth harmony home on wheels" (as Laur called it earlier.) Then suddenly you heard footsteps approaching, making you both turn on the spot. You saw the one and only Camila Cabello rushing towards you with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Hey!! You must be y/n! Nice to finally meet you! Wow Lauren she's so pretty!" Camila gushed, pulling you into her arms.

"We've only just walked through the door, give us a chance!" You heard your girlfriend exclaim as she laughed. "Y/n this is Camz."

"Lauren literally tells us about you all the time! "Look what y/n's posted on tumblr, look how amazing y/n looks, listen to this joke that y/n told me" She never stops talki-"

"Okay Camz!" Lauren interrupted as her cheeks turned a bright shade of red. She planted her hand over the smaller brunettes mouth, making you laugh. "Please could you get us a drink?" She asked, trying to divert the attention.

"Oh okay, sorry, I didn't even ask! How rude of me! Would you like a drink or anything y/n?"

"I'm actually fine thankyou, I would like to talk more to you though, you say that Lauren always talks about m-" You tried, bursting out with laughter at your girlfriends glare.

"We'll have O.J Camila."


"Yo Camz! Where are the girls at?"

"Mani and Dinah are sleeping, Ally's watching a movie in her bunk." Camila replied as she handed you both some orange juice.

"Lets go see Ally!"Lauren continued, reaching for your hand.

"Did I hear someone call my name?" Ally shouted from her bunk and then her footsteps could be heard from the end of the tourbus.

"Praise jesus" Lauren mumbled, causing you and Camila to burst out in laughter.

"Ally, this is my girlfriend Y/N...babe, this is Ally"

"Y/N Hello! It's so nice to meet you!" Ally squealed, flinging her arms around you.

"Ally! Oh my, wow! Can I just say how amazing your voice is!" You fangirled in excitement, and then realised that you had totally just squealed in front of 3/5 of Fifth Harmony. You could feel your cheeks burning, as Lauren laughed. You turned to her and she reassured you by wrapping her arms around you.

"Aw, don't be embarrassed princess."..."Your inner fangirl is cute!" She cooed as you tried to hide your face in her neck. "Lolo..." You groaned in embarrassment, now realising how your girlfriend felt earlier.

"Aw, you two are so cutesie!" Ally squealed, now wrapping her arms around the both of you.

"CUTESIE? What the hayullll?" Came an echo of loud voices from somewhere, followed by laughter.

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