Pregnancy pains ☺️

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"Y/n, it hurts so much!" Lauren groaned from the bed, wincing because of her pregnancy pains.

"Take deep breaths baby, i'm so sorry, I wish I could take the pain away." You cooed, grasping onto Lauren's hand as she squeezed tightly.

"Don't apologise, it's not your faul-" she tried before another round of pain hit and she grasped at her stomach.

"The doctor ensured that it's perfectly normal babe, something about Braxton hicks, it's preparing your body for real labour..."

"Real labour? Preparing?! Jeez, if this is just preparing, imagine the pain of a real labour!" She cried loudly, making you giggle under your breath.

"y/n! Don't laugh!" She exclaimed, then wincing as another shot of pain travelled through her body.

"Hey baby need to slow it down a little, you're beating the crap outta me here." She cooed, looking down at her swollen abdomen, with a laugh.

You laughed again at Lauren's animated facial expressions and rubbed her stomach, before you felt the baby moving. "Yeah we're speaking to you." You added, smiling lovingly.

"She loves your voice babe." Lauren said in a soft tone, resting her hands above yours on your stomach.

A few minutes later, your girlfriend complained that the pains were getting worse. You grabbed your phone and went straight to google.

"Y/n? Are you seriously on twitter?" The brunette whined.

"No baby, i'm googling ways to treat pregnancy pains."

"Your so smart babe." She admired, with a tired smile. You smiled back and scrolled down the screen.

"Brains as well as beauty." You retorted with a wink. "...Okay Lauren, you need to roll on your side..." You said in a soft tone, helping her to manoeuvre on the bed. Eventually, she was laying with her back towards you, with her oversized shirt lifted up. You leaned over her and placed your hands on her soft tan skin.

You rubbed gently at the inflamed skin, leaning down every so often to place kisses on the exposed skin. You continued to rub her back gently, in an attempt to relieve the pain she was experiencing.

"Is that helping babe?"

She nodded slowly and reached for your hand. She pushed your hand down, putting more pressure on the tight muscles.

"Thankyou for making me feel better baby."

"I'm your baby momma, that's what i'm here for."

She responded by lifting her hands to your face and pulling you directly in front of her. She leant forward and gently pressed your lips together.

"Hm, I love you darling." You mumbled into the kiss.

"I love you too y/n." She replied before closing her eyes. You smiled at her cuteness and laid down beside her. Wrapping your arms around her waist, you cuddled into her back and traced random shapes over her stomach. Lulling you both into a well deserved peaceful sleep.

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