Forbidden Love Part 3

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"Aloha girls!" Lauren shouted loudly, greeting your best friends as you both walked into the large beach house.

"Babe that's Hawaii." You joked cheekily, and she moved to pinch your sides, making you giggle loudly.

Then you heard all the girls rushing into the hallway. "Y/S/N! (Yourshipname)" Camila squealed, Ally and Mani running behind her.

"My ship feeeeels!" You heard Dinah holler loudly, before diving onto you both.

You both squeezed the taller girl tightly and the other girls joined the group hug.

"Hi!!!!!" You all squealed, jumping up and down in the circle.

Ally took both of your hands. "How are you?"..."Is everything okay ya'll?" She asked with concern, knowing that your mom was shady when it came to you and Lauren.

"Yeah, we're good, we just wanted a small vacation." Your girlfriend replied as she kissed the side of your head.

"Good good, we missed ya'll!"

"We missed you too!"..."Where should we put our bags Al?" You asked, holding up your things and smiling.

"Here, let me take them princess." Lauren cooed, reaching out for the bags as Dinah and Camila fangirled over the encounter.

You handed your bag over, then your stomach gurgled loudly. "Was that your stomach?" She said with her famous giggle, prodding your abdomen and making you laugh too.

"I'm kinda hungry babe."

"Hungry?! Babe! You just literally ate enough snacks in the car to feed five thousand." Lauren joked, and you stuck your tongue out at her laughing.

"don't bully my chica!" Normani hollered, making everyone laugh again.

"Aw love ya long time Marns." You replied, then your stomach gurgled again.

"I just made some pasta y/n, it's in the kitchen if you'd like some." Camila spoke up with her smile.

"I'll just take our bags upstairs darling."

"Okay babe, i'll be in the kitchen."


You were sat on your own in the kitchen, enjoying the pasta that your friend had made as the 4 of them sat in the living room.

Then you heard footsteps from the hallway. You looked up to see your girlfriend standing in the doorway and she walked over to hug you from behind.

"Are the girls in the lounge darling?" Lauren asked as you rested your head against the cool counter. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking."

"What's on your mind baby?"

"I- I just need to ring my mom, she'll be going crazy."..."but, i'm kinda scared." You confessed, putting your head in your hands.

"Hey, it's okay, want me to be there when you call her babe?" She said soothingly as she rubbed your back.

You nodded in reply and planted a kiss against her lips. "Thank you babe, lets get it over and done with."

She reached for your hand and helped you off of the stool, leading you to the guest room upstairs.

"Girls! We're just going to ring y/n's mom." Lauren informed them from the bottom of the stairway.

"Okay!" They all chorused from the living area.


"Here goes." You sighed as you dialled your mom's number.

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