Teen Choice Awards

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"The nominees for best breakthrough artist are..." Came the voice of your friends Shawn and Bea on the stage.

You were sat in the crowd, nervously tapping your feet, when you felt your girlfriends reassuring hand on your knee.

"I'm so nervous." You whispered, holding tight onto Lauren's hand in yours.

"I'm right here." She replied planting a kiss against your cheek as the nominees list was being said.

"And last but definitely not least, Y/n!" Bea finished, and the camera turned back to you.

You waved and grinned at the camera as your fans screamed really loudly.


"The teen choice award for best breakthrough artist goes to.......our girl y/n y/l/n!" The singers exclaimed in sync, with huge grins on their faces.

"Y/n! That's you!" You heard Dinah holler, pulling you out of your trance.

"OH MY FREAKIN GOSH!!!!" You shouted loudly, whilst jumping up from your seat.

Lauren planted her hands on both your cheeks and kissed you lovingly. "Go baby, go!" She cheered happily before you made your way past.

You grinned widely as all the girls hugged you tight on your way to the stage.

Carefully, you walked up the steps. "Please don't fall, please don't fall." You murmured to yourself before turning back to the crowd for a second, to see your girls jumping up and down, cheering loudly.


When you reached the centre of the stage, you hugged Bea and Shawn before taking the surfboard into your arms. Before moving closer to the mic and seeing all of your fans.

"Woooo! I got a surfboard!" You exclaimed, as the crowd of teens went crazy. "Thank you so much everyone!"

Just as the crowd went quiet, you heard your girlfriends loud voice "That's my baby up there!" Lauren squealed with excitement, making the crowd go crazy again.

You laughed loudly and blew her a kiss. "Love you babe!"

When the crowd fell reasonably quiet again, you spoke up.

"So, I think this is where I say a speech."..."okay, here goes."..."Thank You so much for believing in me. I want to thank my amazing family, perfect friends, my beautiful girlfriend Lauren, thanks for putting up with me princess!"

At the cute pet name, the fans started to squeal whilst jumping up & down in excitement.

"I wanna thank all of my management team."..."And last but definitely not least! To all my fans, I love you so much! And this award is for you guys!"..."woooo!"


After the awards show, you were pulled to the side by one of the many reporters.

"How do you feel y/n! You just won a TCA." The cheery woman cooed, as you hugged her politely.

"I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine right now! I did not expect this at all! My fans are so dedicated and I love them to the stars and back!"

"I guess you'll be celebrating tonight!" She continued, whilst giggling.

That's when you felt the familiarity of your girlfriends arms snaking around your waist. You slightly jumped at first, then felt her front against your back and her head on your shoulder. She quickly kissed your cheek then looked to the interviewer. "Yep, we'll be celebrating." Came her husky voice.

You blushed at her tone, luckily the reporter didn't notice but instead greeted your girlfriend. "Hi Lauren!"..."congratulations too! You girls have slayed the awards show!"..."there's a lot to celebrate tonight!"

"Aw thank you!"..."we're so lucky to have the support that we do!"..."aren't we baby girl." She replied, rubbing her hands against your hip.

The older woman smiled, then turned the conversation to your best friends. "So are the girls partying tonight?"

You laughed loudly. "Ha! They wish!"..."we have rehearsals super early tomorrow, so they've headed straight home."

"and we have to make sure they save us some pizza!" Lauren joked, taking your hands.

The three of you laughed loudly, before the reporter spoke up again. "Well I can't keep you from pizza!"..."it's been so nice to speak to you both!"..."See you later girls! Congratulations again!"

"Thank you!"..."Bye!" You both replied in sync.


Lauren laced your fingers together and pulled you into her side, as the pair of you walked out of the venue.

You followed her to the cars, your hand enclosed in hers as the paparazzi were going crazy.

When you reached the car, Big Rob held the door open for you both and Lauren placed her hand on the small of your back.

"Careful baby." She whispered, making sure you didn't hit your head or fall.

You shuffled into the backseat and the brunette followed before Big Rob closed the door and the flashing lights were blocked.

"I won an award!" You squealed, resting your head against her shoulder.

Lauren placed her finger under your chin and met your lips with hers, kissing you tenderly. "I'm so proud of you princess!"

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