Surprising Lauren on tour (part 1)...

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Surprising Lauren on tour (part 1)...

You were on your way to New York with your daughter to surprise your wife, as you hadn't seen each other in just over a month. She tried to call at least once a day, but it just wasn't the same as her being there in person...You looked down at Ava's sleeping form cuddled into your side and you kissed the top of her head. You were super excited to see Laurens face, as she didn't even know that you were in the city, so she definitely had no clue that you were going to show up at the concert tonight.

You looked out of the window, resting your head against the glass, then you heard Ryan Seacrests voice over the radio as the driver changed the station. "Could you turn this up please?" You asked Big Rob with an excited tone, knowing that the girls were scheduled to be on his show.


Ryan: "So Camila, what's the first thing you're going to do when the tours finished?"

C: "See my family and friends! Oh em gee. I miss them so much! I LOVE YA GUYS!" She replied, the girls agreeing and then Laurens voice could be heard.

L: "I miss my parents and siblings. The hardest part though is being away from my beautiful wife and our baby daughter Ava. Babe, if you're listening, I LOVE CHOO!" She said with that raspy tone, you could feel your eyes watering at the sound of her voice.

The sound of the other girls cooing could be heard and then Dinahs distinct voice. "Don't worry y/n, we're looking after her, just like we promised."

R: "Aw that's cute Lauren, how long has it been since you saw them?"

L: "Just over a month now, so when the tour's finished I can't wait to spend time with them." She replied happily, the other girls were "awww'ing" in sync. Your wife was probably blushing so hard right now, the thought making you slightly chuckle. As you laughed, Ava stirred in her sleep. "Oh shoot." you mumbled, looking down at the little girl, but she just turned her head more into your side and fell back asleep.

After that, you listened to the radio again and the interview was almost finished. Ryan asked a few more general questions and then wrapped things up. "Well girls, it's been great catching up with you! I hope the show goes amazing tonight!"

"Thankyou! We love ya Seacrest and our amazing Harmonizers!" The girls chorused, and with that, the interview finished. A few minutes later, your phone began to vibrate on the seat, you looked down and your wifes face was on the screen.

"Hi my beautiful wife." You heard the distinct raspy voice as you picked up the phone.

"Hey Lolo."

"I miss you." You both said in sync, causing you both to laugh.

"We'll be back soon y/n, just a few more days."..."We just finished the Seacrest interview, did you listen?"

"Yep, aw babe you're so cute! I love choo too!" You replied, making kissy noises down the phone that made her laugh.

"Love you chica, so what are you upto?"

"We're just in the car, we've been to see my parents." You replied, technically not lieing because you had come from your parents house.

Suddenly, the loud horn from the car could be heard as the car came to an abrupt halt. You looked out of the window to see that a car had nearly crashed into the side of yours. The driver of the car was now winding down her window and looked pretty angry at your driver, shouting things that can't be repeated. You looked down at Ava and she was still sleeping, clearly taking after Lauren's deep sleeping habits.

"Are you okay miss y/n?" Big Rob asked you, (Lauren had insisted that he had to stay with you to keep you safe.) You nodded in reply and he got out of the car to handle the commotion.

"Y/n? Is everything okay? Why can I hear shouting?" You heard Lauren question in concern from the other end of the phone. "Oh my god, are you okay? Is Ava okay?"

"Calm down Lo, we're fine. Ava's sleeping, we're fine." You tried to reassure her, as she rambled on down the phone. "She didn't even hit our car." You continued.

"HIT THE CAR?! That's it! I'm coming home!" She exclaimed down the phone, totally panicking. You regretted laughing, but hearing Lauren start to shout random words in Spanish made you burst out in laughter.

"Babe!"..."We're okay, I promise. Big Rob's here sorting it out, we're fine."

"Thank god." Lauren replied as she exhaled loudly. "I was about to kick someone's ass!" She exclaimed, making you chuckle. Then, in the background, you could hear Normani's voice telling Lauren that she was needed.

"I'm real sorry but I need to go...We're rehearsing for tonight..." She told you with a sad tone.

"Okay darling, good luck for tonight! You're going to rock it!"

"Thanks! Stay safe baby and give Ava a huge kiss from me! Te amo, see you soon."

"We love you too! See you soon." You replied, with a smirk. Knowing that you were going to be seeing her alot sooner than she thought.

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