ill (for lildixie88) :D

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"Hey wifey!" Lauren answered the phone, her voice instantly making you feel a little better.
"Hi Lo." You struggled to reply, as you were feeling really sick.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" She questioned in a worried tone. "You sound ill?"
"Yeah babe, don't worry, I'm fine." You tried to reassure her.
"Should I call my mom to come round?"
"Aw no, its fine Lo."
"Okay darling, I miss you lots! and the girls say hi!" She replied cheerfully, making you smile.
"Aw I miss you too babe, tell them I said hey" You replied quietly, trying to ease the dizziness you were feeling.
"I love you, and i'll try to get home as soon as possible."
"I love you too, see you soon."
As soon as you both hung up, you felt a really bad feeling in the back of your throat. You darted to the bathroom and were sick into the toilet bowl.
"What the hells wrong with me?" You groaned into the empty room. Now pressing your face against the ice cool tiles, you closed your eyes and tried to ease the nausea.
A few hours later, you heard the front door open and then close. "Honey! I'm home!" Your girlfriend hollered through the house, you lifted your head slightly but you were so dizzy.
"Y/n?" Lauren shouted again from the bottom of the stairway.
"Up here." You groaned, still face planting the bathroom floor. She rushed up the stairs two steps at a time and into the bathroom.
"Babe?"..."Omg! Are you okay?"
You lifted your head from the cold tiles and looked up at her. "Aw, y/n, why didn't you say that you were sick..." She whispered, pulling you into her lap. "I knew you didn't sound yourself on the phone..." You looked up and smiled weakly, "I didn't want to worry you whilst you were working." You replied and she kissed the top of your head. Suddenly, you got that awful feeling in your throat and practically dived off of her lap, reaching the toilet and vomiting.
"Thats it baby, let it all out, I'm right here to take care of you." She cooed, pulling your hair back from your face with one hand and rubbing your back with the other. "I think you have the flu, i'll be back in a sec."
"Lo? Where are you going? Please don't leave..." You panicked as she stood up.
"I'm not leaving babe, i'm getting you some of that medicine from the cupboard."
"Oh, not that horrible one?"
"Sorry baby..."
A few minutes later she returned with the horrid medication. "Here y/n, take it baby girl." Lauren said, holding out a spoon full of medicine. You swallowed the luminous liquid and winced at the gruesome taste. "That's so yucky." You groaned.
"I know but it will make you feel much better."..."I hate it when your sick."
"I hate it too. I feel like crap!" You tried to joke, before another wave of nausea hit you like a tonne of bricks.
"Maybe you should try sleep it off?" Lauren suggested, running her hands through your hair.
"Can we cuddle and watch movies instead?" You pleaded.
"Of course, c'mon lets go downstairs." She replied, lifting you off of the tiles, into her strong embrace. You wrapped your arms around her neck and rested your head against her chest. She walked slowly out of the bathroom, down the stairway and into the living room. She placed you gently on the sofa and dropped down beside you. You reached for the remote control and pressed play, The Hunger Games trailers filled the screen. "Comfortable?"
"Yep." You replied, snugging into her warm jumper. She wrapped her arms around you and traced random shapes on your lower back. The movie started to play but you looked up to your girlfriend, focussing on her intently.
"Can I help you?" She joked, pulling her gaze away from the screen to look down at you.
"You're so beautiful." You whispered, admiring her emerald eyes.
"I love you y/n." Lauren replied. She placed her hand on your chin, and held your head still. She leant down and pushed her lips against yours, smiling into the kiss.
"Babe, you'll get sick!" You exclaimed, pulling back slightly with concern.
"So I get sick..." And with that she leant down to kiss you again.

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