Trouble at school

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(AU where Ally is Lauren's mom😂)

You sat next to your girlfriend Lauren in the principals office, resting your head against hers.

"Don't worry baby."..."I'll handle it." She reassured, leaning in to plant a tender kiss against your waiting lips.

That's when your mom rounded the corner and stormed into the office, making you quickly jump back. "Y/n?!"

"Hi mom." You said sheepishly but she wasn't impressed.

"Before you shout at her, this was all my fault." Your girlfriend spoke up but you rested your hand on top of Lauren's and shook your head.

"No mom, this was my faul-"

However before you could finish your sentence, Lauren's mother Ally stormed into the office.


"You have got to be kidding me right now. Lauren Michelle. This is the third time this week that we have been in this office." The small woman exclaimed in a stern and pissed manner then she turned to the principal. "What has she done now?"

"Take a seat Mrs Jauregui, and Mrs y/l/n."


Your mom took a seat by your side but Ally looked to her daughter, not pleased at all. "Move over Lauren."

Lauren shook her head. "No mom. I'm sitting next to y/n."

Ally just gave her the 'I'm so disappointed in you' look, making you both cringe.

"Fine." The brunette mumbled and then shuffled to the next chair so that her mom could sit between you both.


"So what happened?" Your mom questioned.

The principal looked up and you just put your head down, knowing what was about to happen. "Okay, so- uhm. Both of your daughters were caught in a pretty compromising situation in the janitors store cupboard, when they were supposed to be in Math class."

"Compromising position? What does that mean?"

The principal's face went a shade of red that you didn't even think was possible. Then both of your moms realised what he was implying.

Yep, you got caught having sex by the janitor in her storage cupboard, when you should have been in math class.

"What?!" They both screamed in disbelief, your mom staring at you and Ally staring at Lauren.

You could feel your moms intense gaze, but you just kept your head down. "Well? Y/n? What do you have to say?" She quizzed unhappily.

You looked to your mom with a blank expression, then your heard your girlfriend laugh loudly.

You smirked at the brunette and then shrugged your shoulders, causing your mom to sigh loudly and put her head in her hands.

"Lauren!" You heard Lauren's mom quickly scold. "This is not a laughing matter."

"I think it's pretty fucking hilarious, don't you babe?" She replied, looking to you and winking.

How was she not fazed by this situation?

"Language Lauren Michelle." Ally scolded again.


"Okay how are we gonna handle this?" Your mom asked.

The principal looked back down at the papers on his desk, then back to your parents. "I suggest that the girls are suspended for 3 days. Their teachers will send work home for them and we expect it to be completed." He explained.

Both parents nodded in agreement and then the principal turned to you.

"Understand?" He asked but you were just staring at your girlfriend and she winked back to you cheekily.

Then you heard your moms voice again. "Y/n!"

"Okay." You replied, not really caring about staying in school anyway.

"Lauren?" The older man asked her too.

"Anything to get out of this hell hole." She muttered beneath her breath, making you giggle.


"I understand."


The room fell silent, and your girlfriend spoke up.

"Any thing else principal?" She asked in a impatient tone, running her hands through her hair.

The principal looked blank, and just shook his head once. "Well I gue-guess not."

So, Lauren nodded once and you watched intently as she stood up.

"Let's go babe." Lauren stated, taking your hand and pulling you up from your chair.

You grinned at her and squeezed her hand as she entwined your fingers together.

"And where do you think you're going?" Ally and your mom said in sync.

"Out of here." Lauren simply replied to her mom, taking your hand and heading out of the office.


You heard your mom and Ally apologising quickly to your principal before they stood up to follow you both but Lauren kept a tight hold of your hand.

She pulled you into her side and planted a kiss against the side of your head, before leading the way down the corridor. That's when you heard the sounds of both your parents.

"Y/n?!" Came your moms panicky tone.

Followed by Ally's. "Lauren!!"

"Bye mom." You both hollered in sync, throwing sarcastic waves behind you.

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