Interviews :)

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The girls were performing at the latest awards show and were being interviewed by Mario Lopez on the red carpet...

"So, joining me now are 2/5 of the beautiful girl group, Fifth Harmony. Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui!"

"Hi!" They squealed in sync. "We kinda lost the other girls in all the commotion." Camila confessed.

"Oh no!" He said in concern, making the two girls laugh.

"Its fine! They should be here soon." Lauren reassured him, causing him to nod in understanding.

"It's so great to see you again girls!" He added, pulling them both in for a hug. "So let's get started!"..."First off, can I just say how proud I am of you girls, you're slaaaaying it!" He exclaimed, smiling warmly.

"Why thankyou!" They replied again in unison. "It's all because of our harmonizers!"

For the next few minutes, he asked general questions, about the album & tour. Also he asked about 'the x factor days' and got the girls to answer questions from the fans.


After a few questions, Mario turned to your wife. "So I understand that you are a newly married woman and have a little girl with y/n Jauregui."

Lauren nodded and smiled lovingly when he mentioned you both. "They're my whole world." She confessed. Camila clapped her hands excitedly and chanted y/s/n (your ship name) whilst jumping on the spot. Lauren laughed and looked behind Mario to see you approaching with Ava in your arms. You looked to her and waved as well as blowing her a kiss.

She blew you one back and then turned her attention back to the interview. "Are they with you toda-"

"Mommy!" Ava squealed from her place on your hip, interrupting the question. She was reaching her arms out and wriggling in your arms, wanting to go to Lauren.

The singer grinned and Mario turned around to look at you both. Ava was now jumping up and down, desperately trying to get Lauren's attention.

"Come here then princess." Your wife cooed, lifting Ava into her embrace. She kissed your daughters forehead and then motioned for you to join them in front of the camera.

You looked unsure at first, then she reached for your hand, pulling you closer. She pulled you into her side with her free arm and kissed the top of your head.

"My queen and princess." She said in that husky voice, causing Mila to fangirl.

"You are such a beautiful family!" Mario admired as you hugged into your wife's side.

"PREACH!" Mila hollered, making you all laugh.

"Thanks guys." You replied gratefully, wrapping your arm around Lauren's waist.

"Ava, say hello to Mario." Lauren cooed, holding your daughter close and nodding to the famous reporter.

The little girl lifted her head up from your wife's shoulder and then waved happily, making you all smile.

"Aw! She's so adorable!" The interviewer cooed, smiling to you and Lauren.

"My baby niece is so beautiful!"..."Ava, say Camz." The cuban encouraged with a giggle, tickling her sides.

"Aunt Camz!" Ava chirped, making Camila jump up.

"Yay! You're so clever baby girl!"..."i've taught her well!" She exclaimed, peppering kisses on Ava's cheeks.

"Have you girls taught her anything else?" Mario quizzed as he laughed.

"Oh yeah, Dinah's taught her a few pranks already." You replied, as the other girls jokingly groaned. "Oh and you're such a good dancer, aren't you princess?"

"You always dance to boss and miss movin on, don't you babygirl." Lauren added, laughing as Ava nodded frantically.

"She's a better dancer than me." Camila said, Ava nodded again enthusiastically.

"Aunt Mani showed me!" The little girl squealed in excitement, jumping up and down in Laur's arms.

"Is aunt Normani a real good dancer?" He asked your mini Lauren, and she nodded in agreement, resting her head against Lo's shoulder again.

Mario grinned and then turned back to you. "So, is it tough dealing with all the fame and taking care of a four year old? Is it hard to juggle all of the responsibilities that you have in your lives?"

"Aw no."..."to be honest, it was kind of hard to adjust to this lifestyle at first."..."But, we have all the help from the girls. They make great aunts/babysitters so we make a huge family! It's so fun on the road." You replied with a grin, entwining your fingers with Lauren's.

"Yeah, we all get on so well, there's so much love and we all take care of our little munchkin." Camila added. "We have dance parties with DJ and Mani bear, Ally bakes cookies and we watch movies together."

"Elsa!" Ava squealed, referring to her favourite film; frozen.

"Its literally like a sleepover every night." You continued, giggling.

"Aw that's cute! The fifth harmony family, guys!" He responded, speaking into the camera's, as the three of you nodded in agreement.


The interview continued, but you had totally zoned out, taking in the beauty of your wife. You was truly mesmerized.

As Mario asked Camila more questions, Lauren looked down to you and mumbled an 'I love you' before kissing the top of your head. You smiled lovingly and looked to Ava. She was giggling as Camila started to pull funny faces at her and to the camera.

You all laughed at the ordeal, and surrounding people were taking pictures of you.


"Well, it's been great catching up girls! Before you have to go, do you have anything to say to the Harmonizers?"

"We love you so much harmonizers! Everything we do is for you!" Camila started, blowing kisses to the camera. Then Lauren got into the shot, with Ava secured on her hip. "You're so amazing and beautiful! Oh! Don't forget to buy tickets for the tour, we can't wait to see you all! Goodbye!"

"Buh-bye Mr Mario." Ava said, waving to him, making you smile lovingly. "and buh-bye harmo-harmi-"

"Harmonizers, princess?" Lauren assisted, ruffling your daughters hair and planting a kiss against her forehead, as she nodded.

Mario waved back to her, "goodbye sweetie." and then pulled you all in for a group hug. "Tell the girls I send my love!" He said, as he squeezed you all together. "If you find them..." He added quickly, making you all laugh.

"Aw we will do Mario, we love you man, bye!" Camila hollered, as you all said your goodbye's and big rob ushered you all down the red carpet.

"On to the next one..." Lauren mumbled in your ear, referring to another reporter. She took your hand in her own and adjusted Ava in her arms. You nodded in understanding, then leant up to kiss Lauren's waiting lips.

"Mkay, wifey."..."I love choo." You mumbled, as you followed her closely.

"Love you too baby."

She held you both close, trying to avoid the intense flashing and laughing at Camila's fangirl state.

"Y/S/N (your ship name) feeeeeels!"

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