Operation Camren

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Au; you're 17 and Lauren is your 19 year old sister.

"Dinahhhh! Whatchaa doin?" Ypu sang, diving onto the sofa.

The taller girl turned in her seat with a huge grin on her face. "Im watching Camren video's."


"Y'know, videos of your sister and Camila's ship."

"There's videos? How do you even know this shizz?"

"Yep, the captain of the Camren ship knows errrrrrything."

You laughed loudly before sitting on Dinah's lap, leaning over to see the screen.

Playing on the screen, was you sister Lauren and Camila staring intensely at each other.

"Aw look how cute they are!"

"I know right! It's like everyone knows that they are madly in love except themselves." Dinah hollered back and you nodded in agreement.


Half an hour later, the pair of you were still watching the fan made videos and u-streams.

(In the video)
C: "i'm uncovered."
L: "huh?"
The pair fell silent as Lauren looked confused, then realization dawned on her.
L: "are you naked?"
Camila turned to Lauren and said nothing, causing your sister to giggle. "Oops!"
(After the video)

You snapped your head up to Dinah with your mouth wide open.

"Holy shit! I never even noticed!" She exclaimed, laughing at your shocked reaction.

You started to laugh too, as the Polynesian clicked on the next video.

Then, you heard the sound of the door bursting open and your sisters distinct voice.

"Hey guys!" She hollered, walking into the room, arm in arm with Camila.

You quickly snapped your head up before exclaiming "Shitttt! Quick DJ!"

Dinah frantically tried to stop playing the current video, causing your sister and Mila to look at you suspiciously.

"Whats going on?" The youngest brunette quizzed.

You looked between Dinah and her phone, before bursting into laughter. In response, Camila dived onto the sofa and desperately started to wrestle the phone from the singers grip.

"Lern! Hold her hand down!" She pleaded, looking back to your confused sister.

Lauren ran over and attemped to pin DJ's arm down but Dinah was too quick for them. "Y/n! Help us!"

You laughed loudly at the sight of the trio frantically wrestling on the sofa, you shook your head and Lauren faked an offended expression.

"You're my sister!"

"Sorry sis! But Dinah's my ride or die!" You replied and Dinah hi fived you.

"Traitor." Lauren retorted.

"What were you even watching?" Camila whined, desperately trying to see over DJ's shoulder.


The room fell quiet, as Camz and Laur looked at you waiting for an answer.

"Promise you won't get mad..." You started.

Camila just pulled a funny face and you just gave her a questioning look.

They she sighed. "Fine, we promise..."


"Fine. What were you watching?" Lauren quizzed.

Dinah sat up and looked between the two brunettes. "We were watching Camren videos." She confessed and Lauren groaned loudly.

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