Meeting her at a M&G

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"NEXT!" You heard the security guard holler, moving the barrier so that you could walk upto the table with a few other fans and meet your five idols. The screams of the harmonizers filled the mall and the atmosphere was so amazing, the loud music of Reflection blasted through the speakers as you focussed on the five amazing singers. Suddenly you realised that you were at the front of the queue and quickly moved past the barrier.

Moving closer, you started at the end closest to you, and approached your favourite band.

"Hi sweetie!" Ally cooed, reaching for your album to sign. "What's your name sunshine?"

"Omg, you're Ally Brooke Hernandez!" You fangirled, grinning at the older girl. "Oh shoot, my name's y/n."

"Aw that's such a pretty name! Thankyou for buying our album sweetie!"

"Thankyou for being so amazing!" You gushed with emotion, as she blew you a kiss.

You blushed profusely and then heard two harmonizing voices, in total unison.

"Hey y/n!" Camila and Normani exclaimed in sync, making you giggle.

"Aw you're so prettttyyyy!" Mila announced.

"You're both beautiful!" You confessed, turning beetroot red, and the pair leaned over the table to hug you tightly,

"I hope you've had a great day!" Mani cooed, and Mila nodded in agreement. "It was so nice to meet you." The brunette added with a smile, before you moved down to the next girl.

Next, you came to Dinah Jane, and she grinned up to you. "Hi doll!"

"Dinahhhh!" You squealed, reaching for your phone, as Mila passed her your album to sign.

"Would you like a selfie?" She replied, reaching for your phone as you nodded, making you laugh.

She stood up behind the table and turned around, extending her arm out with your phone and taking a perfect selfie with her famous pout. "Aw it was so nice to meet you sweetie! Tag me in the pic and i'll add you on insta!"

You smiled gratefully and then moved swiftly down the table. Finally, your reached the one and only, Lauren Jauregui.

She was looking down at various papers, writing down something and then she lifted her head. Planet green eyes attack you, was the understatement of the decade. You suddenly felt really shy and you opened your mouth to speak but no words were coming out, as she also met your gaze and her jaw dropped open

"H-hi i'm y/n..." You said nervously, standing awkardly infront of your icon.

"You're beautiful." Was all that Lauren said, staring at you intently. You could vaguely hear the other girls making hushed comments and watching the encounter intently but you were totally lost in emerald eyes.

You looked to her in shock. Your icon, actually sat there in front of you, had just called you beautiful. Lauren took your hand in her own and traced shapes over your soft skin. You stared into her emerald eyes and the rest of the world practically faded away.

After a few minutes, the brunette shook her head and pulled herself out of her trance. "Oh shoot, your album!" She exclaimed, taking the merchandise from your hand and signing it quickly with her sharpie.

"Thankyou." You said, holding back your emotions, desperate to not embarrass yourself infront of her.

"No, thankyou, for coming here today." She replied in that husky tone, running her fingers up your arm again. "Are you here by yourself?" She questioned, noticing that you were alone.

You nodded in reply and told her about how your parents had left you a few years ago, since you came out and they didn't accept it. You refused to cry though, and she looked upto you with sympathy. "I'm so sorry darling, fuck them anyway. You're perfect just the way you are." She replied, standing up to comfort you.

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