Telling her parents...

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Lauren laced your fingers together as you approached the Jauregui household. You had both planned to tell her parents that you are a couple and you were nervous to say the least.

"It'll be just fine babe, we'll tell them at dinner." She reassured you with a smile.

"Ready?" She asked as you reached the front door.

"As i'll ever be." You replied, following Lauren into the house.

"I'm home!" Your girlfriend hollered, as you closed the door.

"Hola mija! We're in the kitchen." You heard a masculine voice shout back, you presumed it was Lauren's father.

"Mom, dad, this is y/n." She introduced you.

"Nice to meet you y/n." Her parents smiled back. "Are you staying for dinner sweetie? I'm making my famous quesadillas" Clara asked politely.

You nodded back and Lauren smiled at the interaction, "dinner will be ready soon mija"

"Okay mom, thankyou." She replied, kissing her mothers cheek. "Are Tay and Chris here?"

"Chris is at his football game, but your sisters in the living room, watching something on Netflix."

Before Clara had even finished her sentence, Lauren tugged on your hand and rushed to the lounge. You saw Taylor was laying on the carpet, focussing on the television screen.


"Oh em gee, Lernnnn!!!"

You laughed at them, as Lauren dived on her younger sister, hugging her close. "I've missed ya Lo!" Taylor exclaimed, making Lauren smile. "I missed you too baby sis."

When they parted, Taylor looked over Lauren's shoulder and saw you. "Hey y/n!" The younger girl greeted, running to fling her arms around you. You had met Taylor before at some of the parties and get on really well. Grinning in response at Taylor's welcoming demeanour, you hugged her back. "Hi Tay"

You looked to Lauren and she smiled lovingly, grateful that you had such a good friendship with her baby sister.
"Tay, we're telling mom and dad today..." The taller brunette explained.

"Really!?" Taylor squealed, excitement plastered on her face. "Aw i'm happy for you guys!"

"Girls! Dinners ready!" Michael announced from the dining area. Lauren looked to the room and grabbed your hand before shouting. "Last one to the table has to wash the plates!!!!"

"Not me!!!!" Taylor exclaimed! Running in the opposite direction making you and Lauren laugh loudly.

The dinner was going well, you were seated next to Lauren and Taylor, opposite their parents. Clara asked a few general questions during the dinner and you thought that she was trying to figure something out but you didn't want to be paranoid.

You really wanted to tell them but you could feel anxiety taking over. Lauren could sense your nervousness. "We don't have to tell them yet babe." She whispered in your ear, reassuring you by placing her hand on your knee. You nodded gratefully and took a deep breath.

"I'll take your plate." Lauren offered but you felt guilty.

"Aw that's okay bab-" As you realised your words you planted your hand over your mouth and shut your eyes. When you opened them, you looked to Lauren's parents. Luckily, her parents were caught up in their own conversation and didn't seem to have noticed the slip up.

In a panic, you stood up and walked briskly to the kitchen. You placed your plate into the sink and heard footsteps following. "Well hello baby..." The distinct husky voice echoed through the kitchen.

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