Jauregui's :)

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"Mama where are we going?" Ava quizzed from the backseat, as you sat in the passenger and Lauren was driving.

"We're going to grandma and grandpa J's house." You said with a smile.

"Yay!" She squealed and clapped her hands excitedly.

"Are we giving them the tickets today honey?" Laur asked and you nodded in reply.

You were surprising the family with a vacation to Disneyland and you both couldn't wait to share the news and see their faces.

"Our first vacation with Ava." She replied with a grin, keeping her eyes on the road but reaching for your hand over the centre console.

Then, the familiar sound of 'miss movin on' blasted from the speakers. Lauren laughed loudly and your daughter jumped up and down excitedly in her seat.

"Mommy this is your song!"

The brunette laughed even louder and smiled through the rear view mirror. "Yep it is baby girl."

The three of you sung along to the lyrics as Ava tried to copy some dance moves that Mani had taught her.

"MISS MOVING ONNNN!" you all sang in sync, your daughters giggles filled the car.

**half an hour later**

"Ava, do you want some juice sweetie?" You asked.

When there was no reply, you turned around in your seat to see the cutest thing. She was leaning up against the panel, thumb in her mouth and clutching onto your jacket that you had thrown into the back seat.

"All the dancing must have tired her out." Lauren concluded as she looked back in the mirror.

You nodded in agreement, "she's so much like you babe."


After the few hours of travelling, you finally made it to her parents house, stopping on the driveway.

Lauren met you at the passenger side and helped you out of the car before placing a tender kiss against your lips.

Then, she went to the back of the car and scooped Ava up into her arms. Your little girl stirred before opening her eyes. "We're here princess." You cooed, stroking her hair lovingly and she came around.

The three of you walked up the driveway and Lauren's dad was waiting at the front door. Your wife placed Ava down on the ground and she set off running to her grandpa.

"Grandpapi!" Ava exclaimed, jumping into Michaels open arms.

"Hello pumpkin!" He replied lovingly, lifting her up into the air and you could hear her cute laughter as you walked to the front door.

"Hey dad." Lauren spoke up from your side.

"Hi girls! We missed you!"

"We missed you too Papi."..."Is momma home?"

"Yeah she's in the kitchen mija." He replied with a smile, planting another kiss against both of your heads and then closing the door behind you.


As Michael went into the lounge area, Laur took your hand and you both walked into the kitchen to be met by your mother in law.

"We're here!"

"Lauren! Y/n!" Clara greeted as she pulled you into her embrace.

"Okay Ma, ca-can't breathe." Lauren stuttered as the older Jauregui hugged you both in close and squeezed tightly.

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