You meet her at the beach (part 2)

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The next morning, when you woke, the first thing you did was reach for your phone. You dialled Lauren's number and waited for her raspy voice.

"Hi laur"

"Good morning beautiful..." She replied in her husky tone, making you giggle. "I'm so glad you called..."

"I'm so glad you answered..." You joked making her chuckle.

"So what's the plan of action for today?"

"It's up to you..." You replied, smiling at her morning voice.

"Well I definitely want to see you again."..."plus, the girls really want to have a group date." She cooed.

"I wanna see you too..."

"How about you come to our house later and we'll have a movie marathon day?" Lauren suggested.

"Aw yeah! I'll call the girls!" You replied happily, already excited to see her again.

"Okay darling, i'll send you the address now, shall we meet at 11?"

"That sound's perfect! Okay, we'll see you then!"

"See you then babe, bye!"

"Bye Lo."

Lauren hung up the phone, then rushed out of the lounge area and into the kitchen. "Girls! We have to clean!!!"

"Lauren?! Why the hell are you cleaning on a Sunday morning?" Dinah hollered from the kitchen, lifting her head from the counter with a confused expression.

"Dinah the house is a mess!" Lauren complained.

"Or is it the fact that you just got off of the phone with your girlfriend..." DJ teased, making kissing faces to annoy the brunette.

"Dinahhhh! She isn't my girlfriend!" Lauren whined.

"Not yet, but she will be soon Lern Jergz." The polynesian replied, moving to ruffle Lauren's hair.

"I hope so..."..."but in the mean time, we need to clean! The girls are coming over!"

"Oh look it's time to fix my hair, buhhh byeeee felicia!" The tallest girl yelled, running out of the kitchen to avoid any cleaning duties.

"Dinahhhh! Get back here!"

"Girls! Lauren needs help with the cleaning!"

*a few hours later*

"Hi guys!" Ally greeted from the doorway, pulling you and your friends into her arms. "Come in!"

You all walked into the house and greeted the girls. However the certain brunette was nowhere to be seen...then a familiar voice could be heard from upstairs. "IS THAT Y/N?" Lauren exclaimed.

Ally rolled her eyes jokingly, then turned to the stairway as feet rushed down the steps.

The brunette practically jumped down the stairs, running to the door and then threw her arms around you, lifting you up and spinning you around.

"I've missed you so much y/n!"

"I've missed you too Laur!"

"Are they fo'real? It hasn't even been 24 hours?" Dinah exclaimed from the bottom of the steps, laughing loudly with your friends.

"Leave them alone Dinah! They're my otp!" Camila stated, pouting at Dinah as your friends laughed.

Lauren turned around and pulled a face to her best friend and then dashed into the living room, tugging your arm to join her.

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