She cheats (part 2)

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She cheats, part 2 -

The next morning, you awoke to see Camila's sleeping form by your side. She mumbled something in her sleep, stirred a little and then opened her tired eyes.

"Good morning y/n." She spoke up, rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning Meels." You replied, smiling up at her and stretching your arms out.

"Do you feel a little better?" She cooed, making you smile.

"Not really Mila, I have to face the music today..." You groaned, thinking of confronting Lauren. "Plus I think that we need to talk about what happened..." You said with a cringe.

"Aw! Don't worry about it, honestly...your emotions were all over the place, you love Lauren and it happened in the heat of the moment. Let's just forget it y/n/n (your nickname)" she reassured you with a smile.

You smiled back with gratitude, "thanks Camz, that means so much."..."i'm kinda worried about the whole Laur situation, I don't even know where to start." You confessed.

"It will be okay y/n, trust me. You and Lauren have a love that can't be broken, you'll both overcome this sweetie."..."I know that she's messed up real bad, but she realises that and she'll do anything to make it better." She tried.

You nodded in response and smiled gratefully. She pulled you into a hug and then the sound of your stomach rumbling filled the bedroom. "Is someone hungry?" The brunette laughed, making you chuckle.

"Lets get some breakfast..." You suggested, climbing out of the bed, reaching for Camila's hand.


You made your way down into the kitchen and got the food out of the fridge. "Is bacon okay?" You asked a sleepy Camila.

"Mmm, bacon." She moaned, making you both laugh.

"And eggs!"

"Wow, we're really living a life of luxury!" She replied sarcastically, making you laugh again.

You moved around the kitchen, carrying the ingredients, reaching for a pan and then got started.

"Want some help?" Mila chirped, pouring two glasses of orange juice.
Suddenly, there was the sound of really loud knocking. Camila looked to you and you shrugged back in confusion.

"Shall I get it?" The brunette asked, from her seat at the counter.

"Nope, it's okay, can you stir this though?" You replied, referring to the food on the stove.

She nodded in reply and quickly jumped off of the stool. You smiled, then headed to the hallway. The loud knocking continued.

"Jeez! One second!" You shouted, grabbing the front door handle. Opening the door, you looked out to see the person who you was least expecting to be there.


"Lauren? I told you that I'd call you..." You whispered, looking to Lauren intently. She looked exhausted, she definitely didn't sleep.

"I know baby, but I couldn't wait, i'm so sorry y/n! I've been so stupid. Please can you forgive me?" She begged, grabbing to hold your hand in her own. You immediately felt the sparks and the tingling feeling in your stomach.

You looked down to your entwined hands and looked back up into her mesmerising eyes, then Camila's voice echoed from the kitchen area, "who's at the door sweetie?"

"Camila?" Lauren quizzed in her famous husky voice.

You looked down to the floor and heard footsteps from the kitchen, Lauren looked in the house and let go of your hand.

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