You know I got you (part 2)

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When you reached the hospital, you were resting your head against the window, crying silently.

Lauren parked the car, and reached over to trace her fingers against your face. "Hey, shhh darling."..."this is not your fault."..."it's the bastard that dared to lay a finger on you."..."I'm so sorry for leaving you babygirl."..."this wouldn't have happened." She spoke, her voice breaking.

and leaned into kiss her with so much love. "Please, please don't blame yourself baby."

"I-I can't not."

"Promise me Lauren. Promise that you won't blame yourself."

"I- this happened because I lef-"

"Lauren promise."..."Promise?" You practically pleaded, grimacing through the pain.

"Okay, I promise." She replied, kissing the back of your hand. "Are you ready?" She added, tears still in her eyes.

You nodded in response and then another wave of pain hit you, causing you to exclaim loudly.

Lauren rushed to the passenger side and lifted you into her secure arms.

You wrapped your arms around her neck as she cradled your body into her body, carrying you to the emergency room.


As you rushed into the hospital, Lauren frantically looked around for the nearest professional. "We need a doctor!"

As soon as Lauren shouted, an older woman in a long lab coat rushed to your side. "Miss? What's happened?"

"Lauren Jauregui. Think she's. Miscarriage." Was all that Lauren could say, breathless from running through the parking lot.

"This way!" The doctor replied quickly, leading the way to the nearest treatment room.

Lauren placed you on the bed and never left your side. The older woman rushed to your side too and immediately started to check your vitals.

You whimpered in pain, then the doctor looked down to the blood all over your pants.

"Oh shoot."..."We need to scan you y/n, if that's okay?"..."Miss Jauregui, if you could leav-"

However before the doctor could finish, you gripped tightly onto Lauren's sweater. "Pl-please, I need he-her here." You begged, not being able to face this on your own.

"Okay, okay." The doctor quickly reassured, moving to get the equipment.

You could tell that your girlfriend was staying strong for you but she was nervous as hell, continuously running her fingers through her hair.


"Okay."..."I'm so sorry y/n, but you were 9 weeks pregnant."..."unfortunately, you're having a miscarriage."..."I'm really sorry for your loss."

The room fell silent, as you looked at the screen and the doctor continued to explain. "we can give you some medication to speed up the process and reduce the pain, if you would like?"

You nodded once in understanding and then broke out into sobs, burying your face in your hands.

"Can we have some time?" Lauren politely asked, and the doctor nodded sympathetically, leaving the room.


The room fell silent again as the singer ran her fingers through your hair and occasionally kissing your forehead. "You know I got you babe."

You looked up to her with your tear stained face and buried your face in her sweater. "Ri-right fro-from the start."

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