Just friends? (Part 1)

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"We need to talk babe." You heard your girlfriend of 5 months say seriously, grabbing your attention.

"Lauren?" You quizzed in concern, moving to her side on the sofa.

She put her head in her hands, and refused to make eye contact with you.

"Talk to me Lauren." You whispered, kinda scared at her silence.

"I think that we should be friends." Was all that she said in reply.

You snapped your head up and couldn't believe what she had just said. "What the? Where the fuck is this coming from?!"..."I don't unde-understand..."

"I've been thinking."..."I can't be the one to hold you back y/n."..."you need to study and get your degree, an-and live your life."..."not be tied down by me, constantly waiting for me to get home from tour. Not being able to show our love in public because of shitty management."..."I can't be the one to hold you back." She explained, starting to cry.

You looked at her and shook your head desperately. "Bu-but you're not!"

"I a-am y/n." She cried, resting her forehead against yours. "This is for the best."

"Is-is this the end Lauren?

"No darling."..."we were friends before our relationship, we can be friends now."..."This is just a break y/n...I don't want to lose you."

"I don't want to lose you either." You whimpered, hugging her tightly. "Will it make you happy?"

"It will make me happy, knowing that you're happy and living your dream. Not stuck here, waiting for me..."

"I want you to be happy." You murmured, tears now streaming down your face.

Silence filled the room, as Lauren reached out for your hand. She entwined your fingers together, as you tried to control your sobs.

Everything was falling apart.

Then you gasped. "Wha-what about the girls?" You panicked.

Lauren wiped the tears from under your eyes. "I'll explain it to them..."

You nodded once, then looked back up to her. "Can I still ca-call and FaceTime you?"

Lauren kissed the tip of your nose. "of course. Every single day."

*a few months later*

After you had finally graduated, you had moved back home and were at the fifth harmony mansion.

"Hmmmm! Something smells good!" You admired as you closed the front door behind you.

Since the break up, a few months back, you had still remained the best of friends with the girls and your ex. Luckily, the dynamics within the group hadn't changed much. So it was easy for you and Lauren to get on. The girls had respected the decision, and were still there for the pair of you.

"Hey y/n!" The girls chorused, and Camila ran to koala hug you.

"Lauren and Ally made pizza!" She squealed, whilst holding you tight.

You giggled at her cuteness, and then she jumped back down to her feet.

"It's in the kitche-"

Before she could even finish her sentence, you rushed into the kitchen, to be greeted by your brunette ex.

"Hey Lo." You said sweetly.

"Hi y/n/n (your nick name)"..."want some pizza?" She replied, looking up from her phone.

"Yep please! I'm so hungry."

"Here, take this one."

You looked to the tray, realising that it was the last one. "Are you sure? It's the last slice."

She smiled in return. "Don't worry about it."

"Thank you." You said with a smile, throwing your arms around Lauren.

The pair of you swayed on the spot, taking in the moment, then let go, remembering that you were just friends. You looked to her and she looked back to you with her emerald eyes. You immediately felt lost.

Quickly, you moved past her and took the pizza slice, biting into it.

"Hmmm! This is so good!" You admired, and then Lauren started to giggle.

"What's funny?" You asked, feeling self conscious.

"You've got some sauce on your face."

"Oh shit!" You gasped in embarrassment, quickly wiping your face, but missing the spot.

"Here." Lauren murmured, slowly wiping her finger against your bottom lip. "There we go."

You could feel a blush rising to your cheeks and you looked into her emerald gaze. Just as she moved her hand up and tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear, Dinah's loud voice echoed through the house.


The pair of you jumped back, and fell back into reality.

"LAURENZO!"..."you're not getting out of packing!" Dinah repeated, making you chuckle.

"Okay! Coming!" Lauren shouted in reply to her best friend.

You followed the singer out of the kitchen and into the living area, to see an amusing sight.

Scattered all over the living room floor were random pieces of clothing, phone chargers, beauty products and then the four girls sat in the middle.

You laughed loudly looking at their overwhelmed expressions. "Need some help?"


After a few hours of wrestling with the various suitcases, you had eventually packed all their things and were sat on the floor.

"I'm gonna miss you guys!" You announced, looking to all your best friends.

"You should totally come with us!" Normani squealed.

"Ha of course!" You replied with laughter, but Ally put her hand on yours.

"Seriously, you should." The oldest spoke up, and you looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Yeah! you're graduated now y/n! It will be fun!" Camila squealed, looking to you desperately.

"Oh, no..."...."I don't want to be a hinderance!"

"Of course not!"..."there's a spare bunk! So it's all sorted!"..."what do you say?" Normani pleaded again, as the girls all stared at you.

You turned your gaze to Lauren, and she completely understood. You didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

However, Lauren just smiled to you and nodded her head. "Sure, you should."

You smiled in response, then looked back to the three girls. "Okay, yeah I'll come with you."

The girls jumped up and tackled you to the ground, whilst squealing. "Yayyyyy!"

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