Surprising Lauren on tour (part 2)...

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(a/n: Ava Jauregui in the pic above😊)

A few hours later, the driver pulled into the private underground parking lot and you lifted, a still sleeping, Ava into your arms. Once the car came to a halt, Big Rob walked around to your side and helped you out, grabbing the bags from the back. "Thankyou." you said gratefully.

Ava stirred in your arms and her little emerald eyes opened, "Mama? Where are we?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"We're here to surprise your mommy and aunties." You replied with a smile, holding her against your hip.

"MOMMY!" She squealed loudly, making you laugh and nod in response.

"This way Mrs Jauregui." One of the stewards guided, showing you the way to backstage. A few minutes later, the cheering and screaming of the crowd could be heard throughout the arena.

"Whats that mama?"

"Thats the crowd baby, your mommy and aunties are singing for them." You tried to explain to the little girl.

"Is aunt DJ there?"..."yep."..."and aunt Camz?"..."yep."..."and Aunt Mani?"..."yep."..."Aunt Ally?"..."yep."

You could see Big Rob laughing at the exchange between you and the mini Jauregui, "she's too cute."

"thank choo uncle Robby"

"Good manners baby girl." You cooed, kissing her forehead.
A few minutes later, you reached the stage area...You stood behind the huge stage doors, listening to the girls singing sledgehammer, the harmonizers singing along loudly and cheering. "You ready mija?" You asked the extremely hyper five year old, who nodded and bounced on your hip enthusiastically. You smiled at her happiness and then the song came to an end. You nodded at one of the stage crew, and he pressed one of the controls.

The doors slid apart, revealing the huge arena and the crowd screamed loudly at the sight of you and your daughter. The girls had their backs to you but not for long, as the crowd screamed even louder (if that was possible) the girls spun around in confusion.

You looked to your wife and then realisation dawned on her. "Oh my! My babies!" She exclaimed, putting her hand over her mouth. "I-what?! How?!"..."I missed you so much baby!" She squealed, running towards you. "Surprise!" You hollered, making the harmonizers and the other girls laugh. You placed Ava down and before you knew it, she was running frantically towards Lauren. Your wife flung her arms around Ava, tears now rolling, and peppering kisses all over your little girls face. The crowd were literally going crazy at this point. Ava placed her head on Laurens shoulder and you could hear her tiny voice from the microphone. "We miss choo mommy."

"Aw! I missed you too sweetie!" She replied, kissing her head as she stood up and looked to you. She didn't need to say a word, her eyes were literally saying all that needed to be expressed. She just picked you up in her arms and spun you around, holding you tightly against her body. Leaning down to your eye level, she pushed her lips against yours in a passionate way, smiling into the kiss.

"I love you." You both said in sync, making you smile.

When both of you parted, you lifted your head to find Ava latched onto Dinahs hip. "What happened Aunt DJ?" Ava quizzed, as Dinahs hands were over her little eyes.

"You don't wanna be seeing non of that business AJ." She told your mini Lauren, making all the fans laugh. "kisses?" she asked, scrunching her face up adorably. "Yeah baby girl, kissing."

"Ewwww!" Ava squealed, making you all burst into laughter.

"Harmonizers! As you can see, this is y/n, my beautiful wife and our baby girl Ava, i'm dedicating this next song to them."..."Girls, all of me." She told the other girls, who winked back with huge grins. "Sing along if you know it!"

"Please can we get a stool out here?" Ally requested from one of the stage crew, and within a minute, one of the boys rushed onto the stage with a chair.

"Here babe, take a seat." Lauren said, encouraging you to sit on the stool. You looked out to the harmonizers and waved, the majority of them recording the encounter. You got comfortable on the seat, hugging Ava close as she rested her head against your chest.

As the music started, Lauren came up behind you, pulling the pair of you into her embrace. The girls sung their parts beautifully, then when it got to the chorus, Lauren leant over you and sung directly into your ear.

"Y/n...all of me, loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me, I give my all to you. You're my end and my beginning. Even when I lose, I'm winning. Cause I give you all of me, and you give me all of you..."

You swayed side to side with her, tears streaming down your face as she looked at you with them enchanting emerald eyes. Ava was now peacefully sleeping, as if the girls had sung her a lullaby. When the song finished, you looked up at Lauren again. "That was beautiful. Thank you."

The girls answered a few of their fans eager questions before the end of the concert. They wrapped up the show with a pretty badass performance of Boss, as you watched from the side of the stage with a peaceful Ava planted on your hip. Lauren kept catching gazes at you when she could. When they had finished, the girls said their goodbyes and the fans went wild. Lo rushed over to you and noticed your slightly tired form, so she reached out her arms.

"Here honey, I'll take her if you want." She said with a caring tone, gently lifting Ava into her arms, as your daughter stirred in her sleep. "Sleepy time for Ava Jauregui." Lauren cooed, rubbing her back.

"Thankyou for having us!" Dinah shouted to the crowd. "We love you so much Harmonizers!" Normani screamed, as the 7 of you eventually departed the stage. You looked back to your wife and she was holding Ava against her body protectively, the tiny brunettes head resting on Lo's shoulder.

"You girls rocked!" You exclaimed, proud of your wifes bandmates, as you all walked down the narrow corridors. A chorus of "Thankyou y/n" could be heard from all of the exhausted girls.

"Thankyou for coming tonight y/n, best surprise ever babe!" Lauren told you, clearly stifling a yawn though.

"Aw, you're welcome baby, we missed you."..."C'mon, let's get back to the hotel for some well deserved rest."

"You're staying?" She said with a hopeful grin, throwing her free arm around your shoulder.

"Of course we're staying silly!" You replied with a laugh. She pulled you closer to her side, lifted your head with her free hand and kissed you tenderly.

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