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"You've got to be kidding me." You heard Lauren mumble from your side. You turned to her in confusion. "What's up Lo?"

"Can't we have any privacy?" She continued to mumble, subtly pointing towards the window.

"Oh..." You replied sadly, eyeing the paparazzi standing at the restaurant window.

"I'm really sorry y/n, but we should go before more paparazzi come..." She suggested, you nodding in response.

"Aw, don't apologise, it's not your fault that you're incredibly hot and people get payed to take photographs of you all day." You responded with a chuckle, trying to lighten the situation. However, in all honesty, you were quite anxious when it came to huge crowds of people.

You stepped out of the restaurant, your hand in Laurens protective hold. You followed closely behind her and just looked down, trying to avoid the cameras. At first it was just a few people surrounding you, but then when you looked up again, there seemed to be hundreds of flashing lights and cameras focussing on you and your superstar girlfriend.

"LAUREN! Y/N! THIS WAY!" Was all that could be heard as you both tried to push through the growing crowd of paparazzi. The flashing was becoming really intense now, Lauren had a tight grasp on your hand, trying to walk towards the bus.



"IS IT TRUE THAT YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS ON THE ROCKS?" One of the men exclaimed, clearly fuelling Laurens anger. You was honestly so frightened and you started to tremble, you could feel an anxiety attack about to hit. You were now finding it difficult to breathe and your chest was so painful. Also to make it worse, they were pushing and shoving you, colliding the camera's with your body. You literally felt so numb and didn't know what to do.

"Please can you move?" Lauren pleaded, trying to calm the situation but it was no use, they just continued to practically harrass you. She looked down to you, "You okay y/n?"

"I th-think, anxi-anxiety." You struggled to say, as she looked really worried. Your breathing was coming in waves now and you felt really faint. Lauren turned back to the camera's, now fuming.

"Are you people purposely stupid!!!"..."Can't you see how scared she is?!" The singer shouted angrily, but they still swarmed you. Lauren looked down to you and you've never seen her so worried, she pulled her jacket off and put it over you to stop the flashes hurting your eyes, she was also speaking to you but you couldn't understand a word she was saying, anxiety taking over your body.

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" You suddenly heard massive voices bellow. You looked up to see Big Rob and another security guard pushing people out of the way and rushing toward the both of you.

"ROB! I think she's having an anxiety attack!" You could hear Lauren exclaim, steadying your now shaking body in her arms. Within a few seconds, a narrow pathway was formed, so that Lauren could help you towards the tour bus. Big Rob was on your side, blocking the cameras and the other security guard was keeping Lauren safe. When you reached the tour bus, Lauren quickly pressed on the keypad and placed her hand on the small of your back, assisting you into the bus. You could still tell how fuming she was, but she was more worried than anything else.

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