Ava wants a baby sister (for JulianaSalazar) ☺️

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"Hey princess Ava, What are you doing?" Dinah asked, sliding into the booth next to your daughter.

"My list for santa clause!" The 5 year old squealed, waving the list in front of Dinah's face.

"Aw thats cute mija, want some help?"

The little girl looked up to Dinah and nodded vigorously, as she climbed into her aunt's lap.

"Let's see what you have already." The singer said as Ava held out the list in her little hands.

Dinah lifted the list up to her eyes and tried to read the little girls writing. She rested her head on Ava's shoulder and squinted her eyes.

"Hm, okay."..."so you want Elsa, a princess bed, to go to Disney-world. Aw that's cute."..."Okay AJ, what else?" Dinah asked, reaching for the pencil on the table.

"I want a baby sister." Ava said seriously.


"I want another sister, so we can play and sing and dance and watch Frozen together!" She rambled, waving her arms around animatedly.

Dinah snapped her head up and looked to your daughter. Before turning to the doorway and yelling. "Hoi LJ!! Get your butt in here now!"

The taller girls voice echoed through the tour bus, causing Lauren to jump up from her bunk and run towards the front of the bus. "What's happened? Is Ava okay?"

"Lo, breathe, she's fine." Dinah replied, laughing and placing a hand on her bandmates shoulder.

"Whats all the shouting about then?" She replied, making Dinah laugh.

"Ava tell mommy what you want santa to bring you."

"A baby sister!" The mini Lauren squealed.

"Oh jeez." Was all that Lauren replied, running her fingers through her hair nervously, causing Dinah to laugh at her. "How the hell can I explain this?" The brunette murmured, looking at D for a solution.

"Ava, santa doesn't bring babies..." Dinah tried, stifling her laughter.

"bu-but why can't he bring me one?" She quizzed, before looking up to Lauren. "Mommy? Where do baby's come from?"

Lauren's face was a picture of shock, and Dinah burst out laughing again, causing your girlfriend to smack her arm.

"It's not a laughing matter Hansen, she's 5 years old for crying out loud!"

"I'll sort this." Dinah replied. "Ava, go ask your mama and aunt Ally where babies come from." She continued putting her hand on your little girls shoulder, encouraging her to the lounge area.


You were sat watching 'breaking bad' with Ally in the lounge area of the bus, then you heard tiny footsteps approaching.

A few seconds later you saw your daughter running into the seating area.

"Hey baby..." You cooed as Ava climbed up onto your lap, wrapping her arms around your neck and hugging you tight.

"Hi mama"..."hi aunt Ally."

"Hi there miss Ava, are you okay sunshine?" Ally replied, leaning over to kiss Ava's cheek. Your daughter nodded quickly and rested her head against your shoulder.

A few minutes later, she looked up intently at you, causing you to turn your attention away from the tv and look down to her little form.


"Yeah darling?"

"Where do babies come from?"

You snapped your head up to meet Ally's shocked expression and your jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

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