Small bump

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"Home sweet home!" Your girlfriend cooed with a huge smile, as the pair of you walked into your house.

You and Lauren had just got home from a signing, and you were feeling really sleepy, causing you to yawn loudly.

"I think i'm gonna have a nap babe, i'm so tired." You spoke up, turning in your girlfriends arms and resting your head against her shoulder.

"Okay, i'll be right down here." Lauren replied, planting a cute kiss against your lips. Then she bent down and pressed a loving kiss against the tiny bump beneath your sweater. "Goodnight baby Jergz."

You smiled with love and ran your hands through her hair before turning to go upstairs. "Sweet dreams cutie." She added just as you were walking up the stairway.


About an hour later, you stirred in your sleep, then rubbed your eyes in confusion.

Feeling an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach and stickiness between your legs.

Shooting up quickly, you moved the blanket, before seeing a puddle of red on your pants and feeling a sharp pain in your abdomen.

Clutching at your side, you looked to the doorway in panic. "Lauren!" You screamed, looking down in shock.

As quickly as you shouted it, you heard your girlfriends footsteps running through the house. "Babe?!"..."whats wrong?!"

When she rounded the corner and rushed to your side, you nodded to the sheets as you bursted into tears.

Lauren looked down and gasped, she sat staring at the blood on your sweatpants and the sheets. "Oh my god."

"Laur-" you cried in pain, doubling your body over.

Lauren shot up to grab her phone, but you grasped onto her.

"No! I need you!" You cried, clutching onto her shirt.

"i need to call the doctor babe, i'll just be a second." She remained calm, but you could hear her voice breaking.

She quickly reached for her phone from the counter before dialing the doctor. As she pressed the phone against her ear, another shot of pain hit you, causing your girlfriend to lace her arm around your waist and you cuddled into her side.

"Come on! Pick up!" Lauren exclaimed quickly.

After a few rings, the phone was answered. "Doctor Sanchez, how can I help?"

"Hi doctor Sanchez, it's Lauren Jauregui, Y/n's bleeding." Was all that she could say, as she rocked you back and forth in her arms.

"Oh shoot! Okay."..."Lauren, please stay calm for her sake and bring her to the hospital, we need to check her over as soon as possible."

You watched intently as Lauren nodded once, then answered back. "Okay, th-thankyou."..."we're on our way."


You could tell that Lauren was staying strong for the pair of you, even though she was terrified herself. You couldn't stop crying, both in pain and fear.

You looked up to Lauren as she spoke. "We have to go to the hospital darling, Doctor Sanchez is waiting for us."

"I'm scared." You whimpered, tears streaming down your face.

"Look at me baby."..."whatever happens, I'm right here, i'm not going anywhere and we're in this together." She whispered, tears in her eyes and leant up to kiss her lips.

When the pair of you parted, the singer lifted you carefully into her arms as you winced in pain. "I'm so sorry babe, but we have to go to the hospital."

You nodded again, holding in your response before resting your head against her shoulder; letting her carry you to the car.


She placed you down into the passenger seat before rushing to the drivers side.

As soon as she turned the keys, you were speeding out of your driveway and to the hospital.

The car journey was silent, and the brunette gripped the steering wheel, speeding way over the limit.

"Listen to me baby Jergz, you've got to stay in mommy a little bit longer okay." Lauren whispered into the car, occasionally glancing at your stomach and then back to the road.

"What if the baby doesn't make it-" you cried, clutching onto your stomach, but she cut you off.

"Everything's going to be fine baby"..."we'll see Doctor Sanchez and she'll know what to do, don't worry okay."..."I got you princess." She tried to convince both you and herself, as she moved her hands lower and laced her fingers between yours.


When you arrived at the hospital, Lauren wrapped her arms around your waist and headed for the reception desk. Then, she spotted the familiar dark haired professional.

"Doctor Sanchez!" She exclaimed in relief.

You lifted your head to see the familiar woman spin on the spot. "Mrs Jauregui, this way!" The doctor replied, as she rushed over, before leading you both to the examination room.

Lauren pushed you into the room and helped you out of the chair and into her arms.

"On the bed please." Doctor Sanchez requested, preparing all the machines, then she moved her chair over to the bed.

You remained silent as the doctor removed the blood covered pants and put some new ones on. You never let go of Lauren's hand.

"Right okay, i'm just going to scan you, to see what's happening." She said softly, trying her best to calm you down. "How often has the pain been y/n?"

"Every couple of minutes." You described, desperately holding in your tears. "Laur-" you whispered in pain, squeezing her hand.

"I'm right here princess." Lauren reassured.

"Okay, darling."..."I'm just going to scan you now." The doctor explained, putting cold gel over your abdomen and gently pressing the machine against your bump.

At the sound of silence, you looked to your doctor and her face showed sadness. You couldn't hear any heartbeat.

That's when you realized that there was no heartbeat to be found.

"Is the baby-" you tried to ask but your voice broke as realization hit you.

Lauren quickly embraced in her arms as you broke down, kissing your head repeatedly.

"I'm really sorry-" The older woman said quietly.

Lauren lifted her head, "is the baby definitely?-" she started but fell silent when the woman nodded slowly.

"Please can we have some privacy..." Lauren requested politely, tears starting to run down her face as you sobbed violently against her shoulder.

The doctor nodded in understanding before quickly putting all the machines away. "Of course."..."press the buzzer if you need anything."

Lauren nodded gratefully and waited till the doctor left, then she carefully climbed into the hospital bed.


"I'm- i'm so sorry Laur-Lauren." You cried, curled up in the hospital bed.

"Wha-what?" Lauren asked with confusion and tear stained cheeks, moving the hair out of your face.

"I kn-know how mu-much you want-wanted a fa-family." You cried, burying your head into her shoulder.

She placed her hand under your chin and lifted your head up to look directly into your eyes. "This is not your fault y/n, please don't think that"..."We're going to try again, okay baby?"

You rested your tired body against hers, unable to process what had happened.

"We'll have a family y/n, I promise." She whispered into the room, rocking you in her arms.

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