Family moments <3

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It was Saturday evening and you were with your two children, Ava and Elijah,waiting for your wife to come home from work. The Fifth Harmony girls were currently at a meet and greet event, so you sat with the children on yours and Lauren's bed, watching something random on the television.


"Mama look! Lijah likes my book!" You heard your mini Lauren squeal from your side.

You looked down to them to see Ava holding the picture book open and Elijah sat close to her, patting the pages and gurgling happily at his older sister.

"Aw darling!" You cooed at the cute encounter before quickly reaching for your phone and snapping a photo.

The picture (pic in top bar) was perfect so you logged into your twitter and shared it so that your wife and girls would be able to see it.

{📚 just like their mommy💕 @LaurenJauregui our babies are growing up!🙈}

Within a few minutes, your twitter notifications blew up and your phone started to ring. You looked to it and saw Laur's caller i.d, so you swiped the screen quickly.

"Hi babe!"

"Hey baby, aw I love the photo!" She cooed.

"They're taking after you Laur"..."We're missing you babe!" You replied, looking back to your children and smiling lovingly.

"I'll be home soon darling, we're just getting in the car now..."

"Okay babe, see you soon! I love you!"

"I love you so much! Give our babies kisses from me." She replied lovingly, making kissing noises down the phone, as the girls mocked in the background.

You both hung up the call and you placed your phone back on the bed again as Elijah tried to crawl over to you.

As you lifted him into your embrace, he gurgled happily and your daughter placed the book down, also moving across the bed. You sat back against the headboard, cradling your son in the crook of your arm and wrapping your free arm around your mini Lern.

"Mama, is mommy coming home?" Ava asked with a tired tone, leaning against your shoulder and looking intently to her baby brother.

"Yeah darling, that was her on the phone, she gives you kisses." You replied, peppering kisses against Ava's face, making her giggle.


About an hour later, you heard the front door open and close, you grinned knowing that Laur was home.

"HONEY! I'M HOME!" You heard the familiar shout from your wife.

"Up here Lo!"

"Mommy!!!" Ava squealed, jumping down from your bed and rushing to the top of the stairway to meet the singer.

"Hi princess!"Your wife exclaimed, lifting your daughter into her embrace and spinning on the spot. "Have you had a good day?"

"We missed you mommy!"..."But I showed Lijah our favourite book!" She rambled with excitement.

"I know baby girl, mama showed me a picture...did Lijah like it?" Lauren replied with enthusiasm and love, hugging your daughter tightly.

Ava nodded frantically in response. "Yep mommy!" She exclaimed before running back into the bedroom to play, making you and your wife laugh.

You rested your head against the bedroom doorway and smiled, with Elijah snuggled in your arms. Lauren looked up you and stood, moving closer to plant a tender kiss against your waiting lips. "Hi darling, I missed you."..."has everything been okay..."

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