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"So today I'm joined by the most famous girl group in the world!"..."Fifth Harmony!" The host introduced to the camera, before turning back to them. "hi girls! It's so nice to meet you!"

"Hi!"..."hey ya'll!"..."hey!" Came the chorus of their voices as they waved animatedly at the camera.

"How are you girls?"

"Good thankyou" Mani replied sweetly as the other girls nodded, making the interviewer smile.

"So, today we're gonna play a game."..."it's called Last Text."

"Okay!"..."let's go!" They chorused.

"I'm ready to win!" You heard Camila exclaim.

The interviewer burst out into giggles at her cuteness, then turned back to the camera. "Here we go."..."so girls, in this game, you've gotta read out the last text message that was sent to you."..."is that alright?"

The girls all shot each other looks and then started laughing. "Sure!"

"Okay, we'll start with you Dinah..."

You watched on from the side of the room as Dinah reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.

You looked over at your girlfriend Lauren and she was gazing back at you, before winking cheekily.

You grinned and waved as you blushed at her cuteness, then you turned your attention back to Dinah as she spoke up.

"So my last text was from lil Ally here. She sent it this morning to wake me says 'Dinah Janeeee! Wake your butt up! Or there'll be no more waffles for breakfast.'Thats momma Smallz everyone!"

Ally laughed loudly, before throwing her arms around the tallest girl. "Haha! Love you biggie!" She cooed.

"Ha! That's so funny!" The reporter said whilst giggling. "Okay, Mama Smallz, we'll come to you next."

"Okay, let's see." She replied happily, scrolling through her phone. "It was Dinah's reply to my text this morning and it says 'I'm awake momma Smallz! Did you say waffles?!' So funny Dinah."

"Did you get your waffles?"

"Of course I did, I'm her favourite!" Dinah cheered, throwing her arms around her band mate as you all laughed.


The interview continued and it was Normani's turn to spill the gossip.

"Mine was from my grandma, she's super funny! It says 'Normani Kordei get your tiny little butt down here and clean up your mess, or I'll get Dinah to give you a poly beat down! love you lots baby girl!' Haha! She's so funny! Love you grandma!"

"Your grandma is such a legend!" Dinah hollered, whilst hi fiving Mani.

"She sounds so cool Mani!" The reporter agreed before looking to Camila.

"Miss Cabello?"

"Mine was from my mom, she said that I can't be late for dinner tonight because she misses me sooooo much"..."and that my little sister Sofi can't wait to see me." The youngest girl said with a smile.

"Aw Camz! Mama Sinu and baby Sofi are too cute!" Lauren cooed, ruffling the brunettes hair.

"Aw that is so cute!" The interviewer agreed" and then turned her attention to your girlfriend. "Lauren your turn."


You snapped your head up, realising that you had sent your girlfriend a pretty risky text this morning. You were praying that someone else had texted her since.

She heard you gasp, so she looked to you and then realisation hit her too.

"Shoot! I think I left my phone at home!" She quickly saved and you sighed in relief.

"It's right here Ralph!" Dinah interjected, pulling the cellphone from your girlfriends pocket.

Before Lauren could even protest, Dinah unlocked her phone and opened her messages. Lauren sent you a panicked look and you both looked like deers in headlights.

That's when you heard the Polynesians loud voice. "It's from y/n!"

"Dinahhhhh." Lauren groaned loudly as the tallest girl dodged her grasp and clicked on the latest message, reading it in her head quickly.

"Ooooo saucy."..."but ewwww." You heard her say, making you bury your head in your hands.

"Read it out DJ!" Mani hollered with laughter, as Lauren practically wrestled to get the phone out of her hands.

Dinah winked at your girlfriend before laughing loudly. "It says 'I hope you enjoyed last night as much as I did baby, you're so sexy. I love you so much baby girl and tonight is gonna be all about you.'  Ewww!"

"Lauren Jauregui!" Normani teased, ruffling her best friends hair. "Y/n too!" She added, turning to face you as you blushed profusely.

"So that's why you couldn't watch the movie with us-" Camila spoke up not so quietly and Ally planted her hand over the younger girls mouth.

"Ya'll need Jesus."

You looked to your girlfriend and she mouthed a 'sorry!' back to you, making you giggle. You blew her a kiss, then she looked back to her band mates. "I can explain- oh to hell with it." Lauren stated, before shrugging her shoulders and winking. "My girlfriend is super hot."..."What can I say?"

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