Bathing the baby

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"Bath time for Miss Ava!" You sang, swaying your 2 day old baby gently in your embrace.

With perfect timing, your girlfriend popped her head around the bathroom door. "The bath's ready babe!"

You smiled lovingly before standing from the bed and carrying your baby into the bathroom. You placed her on the changing mat before removing her onesie and diaper.

"Is the temperature okay?" Lauren stressed, looking to you for reassurance.

You placed your daughter in the singers arms, and she instantly held her against her chest lovingly.

After smiling with so much love, you rolled your sleeve up and dipped your elbow into the shallow water. "Yeah it's perfect, you can put her in."

Lauren looked to you with a nervous expression, "Shit, I don't wanna hurt her...she's so small." She wife panicked.

"She's just fine Laur, I promise." You reassured placing your hand on her shoulder.

Lauren slowly lowered Ava down into the water, keeping her held securely in her embrace.

You wrapped your arms around your
girlfriend and rested your head against her shoulder, looking to Ava.

She started gurgling happily and kicking her legs around, splashing in the water. "See baby, she loves it." You said, calming your girlfriend down.


"Let's wash your hair princess." You cooed to your baby girl, reaching over for the shampoo as Lauren held her tiny body in the water.

As you massaged the soap into her hair, your daughter started to whimper, so Lauren started to softly hum a random tune to distract your her.

You quickly rinsed the water off before carefully washing her little body with the sponge. Ava responded by stretching her arms out and grasping onto Lauren's finger.

"All clean!" You announced, smiling lovingly and Lauren lifted her out of the bath.

When the cooler air hit your baby's skin she started to whimper again, then cry. You quickly reached over and handed your girlfriend the towel.

"Hey, hey darling."..."here we go." Lauren spoke as she wrapped your bundle up into the soft material, instantly stopping her whimpers.

"There we go princess." You whispered as you wrapped your arms around Lauren's waist from behind again then kissed the tip of your daughters nose.

"Let's get you dry and changed mija."

Lauren placed her gently in your arms, then moved to the doorway. "I'll grab her a new onesie darling."

"Okay." You replied before laying your daughter on the changing table, drying her off and then putting her a diaper on.

"All done darling."


You walked back into your bedroom and placed Ava down in the centre of your bed. You giggled softly as she squirmed around, looking so tiny in contrast to the huge mattress.

Laying down next to her, you traced your fingers over her soft head and watched her wriggle around on the blankets. "You're so cute baby girl, yes you are, yes you are."

"The baby voice suits you honey." Lauren said as she walked back into the room with a onesie in her hand, making you chuckle.


"C'mon, co operate mija." Lauren said with her famous laughter, struggling to get Ava's leg into the onesie.

You rested your head against the pillows, intently watching how she interacted with your little girl.

"There we go!" The brunette cheered, lifting your daughter up victoriously.

She gurgled happily in her mama's arms before giving a big yawn.

"Aww is someone tired?" Lauren cooed, rocking Ava gently against her shoulder.

She carefully joined you on the bed and wrapped her free arm around your shoulder, resting your daughter on her chest.


A few minutes later, your little girl was peacefully sleeping against your girlfriends sweater, her tiny hands grasping the material.

"you're so good with her Laur..." You murmured, kissing the soft skin on your girlfriends neck.

"Thankyou baby. So are you."..."you're a perfect mother."

You felt the tears form in your eyes and the familiar butterflies in your stomach. "I love you."

"I love you too beautiful."

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