Ava wants a baby sister (part 2)

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A/N: Hey!!! I just want to say thank you so much for the support and love that you have given me ☺️💕 I hope you all have a great day & i love you guys! Thank you for taking the time to read the imagines, & I hope you like them 😊💕

Ava wants a baby sister (part 2)

"Good morning babe." Lauren spoke up as she wrapped her arms around your waist from behind.

"Mmm, good morning darling, do you want some waffles and coffee?"

"Yes please, by the way, you look real sexy in my tshirt." She replied, admiring your body. She rested her hands on your stomach and placed kisses on your cheek.

You blushed wildly, turning around to face her. "Why thank you." You replied, making her chuckle. "Take a seat Lo, it'll be ready soon."

"Mkay."..."is Ava still sleeping?"

"Yep, I think she tired herself out yesterday."

"Well she was running round like crazy, I swear she's a better dancer than all of us put together." Lauren laughed, as you both remembered your daughters dance skills at the 5H rehearsals.

"You better watch your back Jergi, she'll be taking your spot as the Jauregui..." You giggled, whilst placing the hot waffles on the plates.

"Never gon happen..." She retorted, laughing loudly, as you manoeuvred around the small kitchen.

"She's been practicing real good."..."she can spin like Elsa now! She was teaching Ally and Camila yesterday!"

"Oh yeah! When Ally fell over! I swear, I nearly peed myself!" She exclaimed, throwing her head back in laughter, making you burst out laughing too.

Eventually, you both managed to calm down. You poured the hot coffee into the cups and the amazing smell filled the tourbus.

"Done!" You exclaimed, proud of your cooking skills, grabbing the tray and spinning around.

You placed both steaming mugs and plates on the table, making Lauren smile. "Hmm, it smells so good!"..."Thank you baby." She said gratefully, leaning up to kiss your waiting lips.

You smiled into the kiss and eventually pulled back, then shuffled into the booth. Once you were comfy, she reached her free arm over the table and entwined your fingers together and looked to you with her glistening eyes.

"So i've been thinking y/n, and maybe having another baby is not such a bad idea..."

"I was just about to say that babe." You replied with a smile, moving to sitting on Lauren's lap and wrapping your arms around her neck.

"I can imagine it you know...me, you, 20 kids running around. Us living in a beach house in Miami, married, with a dog or two...and all the girls living on the same street."

"20 kids?!" You exclaimed, making Lauren laugh.

"Well maybe not twenty babe, but I do want more children...if that's what you want too."

"Aw baby, of course I want that." You replied, leaning close to kiss her passionately. "but do you think we'll be able to manage with a 5 year old and a baby, with our jobs too?"

"Aw of course babe, we have all our family, and the girls...trust me, we'll be just fine."..."plus, I think a baby sister or brother would be good for Ava, she'll have someone to play dress up with and sing with."

You laughed again and nodded in agreement, then looked up to meet her eyes.

"Can I carry this time?"

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