Self harm (Request by _rainam)

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A/N: trigger warning, contains/mentions self harm. You are all so beautiful and I love you so much! #staystrong💙


"Come on babe! the girls are waiting for us!" Lauren complained from the hotel bed.

You were on vacation with the Fifth Harmony girls and your girlfriend Lauren, the girls had organised to meet by the pool to take advantage of the sunshine. The brunette was really excited however you were less so, because you were really self conscious. Recently, the whole world had found about you dating the famous singer, and some didn't take it so well. The majority of fans supported you both and showed you so much're families were supportive too. However, some of the bitchiest girls from your school started to send you insulting messages and made you feel worthless. Therefore you turned to a way to release your anger and pain, which resulted in the scars that you were now hiding.

You were lost in thought when Lauren's husky voice pulled you out of a trance and her arms wrapped around your waist as you stood at the bathroom counter.

"are you really wearing a jacket? It's like 100 degree's outside!" She joked, tugging on your sleeves, but you quickly pulled away. She looked to you in confusion, as you clutched at the material.

"I just don't want to get sunburn..." You quickly lied and faked a smile to try reassure her. Then the loud ringing sound of her cell phone echoed through the suite.

You sighed in relief as your girlfriend left the bathroom to answer the call.

"Shoot Dinah's calling! lets go!" Lauren announced, walking back into the bathroom and taking hold of your hand as the pair of you walked out of your hotel room to meet the girls.


You met the girls at the outdoor pool and realised that the management had reserved the whole area for the Fifth Harmony girls.

Lauren placed her hand on the small of your back protectively as you walked towards the sun loungers and the girls rushed to throw their bags down.

Dinah and Camila were the first to dive in the glistening pool, taking advantage of the cool water. Lauren looked to you, "want to come in the water with me?"

"I'm okay for the minute Laur, i'm just gonna stay here and read my book..." You rambled, before kissing her cheek. "You go enjoy yourself with the girls."

"Mkay..." She replied hesitantly but placing a kiss against your lips and taking off her shorts and tank top to jump in the water.

*half an hour later*

"Y/N! Are you coming in the water?!" Dinah hollered from the pool as Camila jumped on her back and waved animatedly.

"Yeah it's so nice ya'll!" Ally cooed, relaxing on one of the inflatable's with her shades on.

"We have the pool to ourself y/n/n (yournickname)" Normani added before doing a handstand on the pool floor.

You laughed for a few seconds and then realised that you needed to make up an excuse for not being able to join them.

"It's ok-okay guys, I don't feel too good..." You made up, hiding your head back in your book, making sure that your arms were covered still by your sleeves.

"Are you okay babe?" Lauren questioned, sensing your sad demeanour.

"I'm fine! I don't want to come in the wa-water!" You exclaimed, throwing your book to the floor, jumping off the sun lounger and running back to the hotel. You could feel tears burning in your eyes but you were determined to hold them back until you got back to the room.

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